Pick Your Plum…State Address Stamps

Pick Your Plum…State Address Stamps

*Enabler Alert* Pick Your Plum is at it again!! Today they are offering this really cute state personalized stamps. Don't want to use it as a return address label?  Why not have it say "With love from Georgia" or "Someone in Texas loves you"  Use it to personalize...

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Happy Mail Day…it’s the Pick Your Plum Grab Box!

Happy Mail Day…it’s the Pick Your Plum Grab Box!

I've been telling you all about Pick Your Plum for a long time! I occasionally post the daily deal they are having because I absolutely love what they have to offer. They have the cutest craft supplies and all kinds of super stuff. Today I received my grab box in the...

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Summer Fireworks Cash Giveaway

Summer Fireworks Cash Giveaway

"Show me the money" - in my best Cuba Gooding voice!   I don't know a single person who doesn't want to be a winner...everyday we do something with the hopes of being the next "big {insert your goal here}" and so I've teamed up with some really great gals who are...

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Sewing & Crafting is {relatively} pain free!

Sewing & Crafting is {relatively} pain free!

Knowing how clumsy I am I can't really say that sewing and crafting are 100% pain-free for me, but I can say it's WAY less painful than my yearly drive to Connecticut and back to Georgia each year with my mom and Reba (the absolutely spoiled rotten doggy who tags...

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Visit Me over at Palmettos and Pigtails!

Visit Me over at Palmettos and Pigtails!

Hello friends of GeminiRed Creations! I was recently asked to write a guest post for my Shara over at Palmettos and Pigtails. Please stop by and support Shara's blog and mine by reading the post 'Tales from a Fabric Addict." Here's a sneak peek... When is enough...

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Deal of the Day…Pick Your Plum

Deal of the Day…Pick Your Plum

Oh Father Time...how I wish we were better friends some days. But, I promise that with this pretty personalized clock hanging up in my house I will try to be nicer to you. Straight from the powers to be at Pick Your Plum this is what is on the horizon today! Ah, time....

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Recycle, Re-purpose…Re-sell

Recycle, Re-purpose…Re-sell

As I look around the house I see so many CDs and DVDs that probably deserve a better life than just being stacked up in a closet somewhere. As a crafty person, of course, my first inclination is to find some way to re-purpose them and make them into some fabulous...

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Sunday Spotlight…Mini Spotlights

Sunday Spotlight…Mini Spotlights

This Sunday I'm giving you all a special treat - mini spotlights of some of my favorite shops!  These girls and I are in a Facebook networking group together (okay...maybe it's really a socializing group, but you get the picture).  We are very supportive of each other...

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Have you heard of Craftsy?

Have you heard of Craftsy?

I should probably warn you...if you are crafty at all and want to learn more about your craft or another one you've longing to learn for a long time - you will be addicted to Craftsy. It is much better than other things you could be addicted to, but I thought I should...

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