About Heather…

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About Heather

[/et_pb_text][et_pb_text _builder_version=”4.14.1″ hover_enabled=”0″ border_style=”solid” global_colors_info=”{}” sticky_enabled=”0″]I’m just a clumsy girl who likes to play with scissors, hot glue and sharp pins and needles.  It’s a dangerous combination, but so far so good.

I learned how to sew when I was about 7 years old when my grandmother helped me make a skirt and top to wear for Valentine’s Day.  A few years later she helped me sew little dresses to wear to my roller skating lessons.  In later years I started cross stitching and made several pieces over the course of my middle school and high school years.  I remember one very difficult piece that I finished in a couple of days while babysitting.  I have no idea what happened to that – it was a teddy bear clown.  I have woven baskets (I wish I still had them all – at least I have 1 of them), I’ve made gifts for friends and family, I’ve attempted both crocheting and knitting without success, but I plan to try again some day, and I’ve made all kinds of other things along the way.  I have always been the type to see something and think “I can make that” instead of buy it.  More than once, however, I would have been better off buying it because I’m sure I didn’t end up saving any money.
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I do work full-time, and although I love my job, I do hope to continue to grow this business and my blog so that I can one day do this full-time.  I love turning Pinterest boards into reality, and I enjoy blogging about DIY and small business with a touch of personal life thrown in.  I hope you enjoy my creations and will share my website and blog with your friends.

I donate a percentage of my earnings from this business to the Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation – Georgia Chapter (CCFA) in honor of my mother who is a 40+ year survivor of Crohn’s disease.  I also donate to other charitable organizations and often partner with friends who are fundraising and offer a percentage of my sales toward their cause.

Thank you for helping me make a difference, in my life and the lives of others!![/et_pb_text][/et_pb_column][/et_pb_row][/et_pb_section]