Business & Work

Amazon and the Small Business

I’m probably like a lot of people…order after order arriving at my door from my friends at Amazon. Good thing I get along with my mailman and UPS delivery guy because we see each other often.

But I am fully aware there is an entire subset of people who aren’t fans of Amazon because they think they are putting small businesses out of business. So…let’s talk about Amazon and the Small Business.

Amazon Small Business

How Amazon Benefits the Small Business

Better Access to Supplies

As a small business owner, I am always in need of supplies. I like to do my homework and find the best prices to help keep myself in business as well as help out other small businesses. No more heading to Walmart or a โ€œbig boxโ€ store when I can get what I need delivered to my front door at an affordable price.

Instead, I often head to Amazon when Iโ€™m in need of more materials and office supplies because the prices are competitive and I often find a wider selection.

Small Businesses Sell on Amazon

Many people do not realize there are quite a few small businesses that have begun offering their own items for sale on Amazon. They want to get more eyes on their products, so they list on Amazon knowing it is one of the most visited websites on the entire Internet.

With the massive built-in pool of potential customers, many business owners gladly list their products for sale on Amazon rather than using eBay or their own website. Without Amazon, they wouldnโ€™t be able to reach the millions of visitors Amazon already has coming to them daily!

Affiliates Earn Money Too

Amazon makes it so people can refer their products to others and earn a commission on any sales they drive. As an Amazon affiliate, I often suggest items on my blog using a special link. If you make a purchase, Iโ€™ll earn a percentage of the sale.

I am also an Amazon Influencer, so I can create a dedicated page filled with special boards of products that are helpful for my crafty readers with a certain hobby or that are looking for better shipping materials for their items as well as other houehold and office supplies.

With this extra revenue stream, I am able to keep my small business better financed by doing something I already do โ€“ recommending products for sale on Amazon!

As you can see, there are a few ways Amazon can benefit the small business rather than cause them harm. Iโ€™m able to save time and money on supplies and materials thanks to Amazon and their fast Prime shipping.

Plus, the ability for literally anyone to sell on Amazon is a huge perk for a small business looking for more customers. Finally, any small business owner can benefit from Amazonโ€™s success by becoming an affiliate and recommending products their customers need.


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