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Have you heard of Craftsy?

I should probably warn you…if you are crafty at all and want to learn more about your craft or another one you’ve longing to learn for a long time – you will be addicted to Craftsy. It is much better than other things you could be addicted to, but I thought I should warn you up front.

Here is a list of all Main Topics:

  • Cake Decorating
  • Crocheting
  • Embroidery
  • Food & Cooking
  • Home & Garden
  • Jewelry
  • Knitting
  • Paper Crafts
  • Quilting
  • Sewing
  • Spinning
  • Weaving

There is something forย everyone! ย If you like to learn you have no excuse! I am currently enrolled in “Shoot It! A Product Photography Primer” with Caro Sheridan and “Design and Sew an A-Line Skirt” with Deborah Moebes. ย I took some private sewing lessons locally so I know some basics and I’m looking forward to making a few cute skirts. Plus, having an online store means I need to learn more about taking great photos of the products I have listed. I can’t wait to give you a review of my classes in the near future, but until then…I don’t want you to miss out on all the great classes they have to offer!!

Craftsy Logo

Sign up today and then let me know what classes you signed up for and why. ย Report back later and maybe I can feature something great you made during your class!

*I love comments from my readers – looking forward to seeing what you have to say!*


One response to “Have you heard of Craftsy?”

  1. […] a Craftsy Giveaway!! Yes…you’ve been stalking Craftsy for months and now is your chance to win a free class! ย I absolutely love Craftsy! ย They have an […]

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