Category: Family

  • Take me back in time

    Take me back in time

    I feel like the last 24 or so months have included the same repeating theme…please take me back in time! Take me back to when my Grammy was still with us. Take me back to when my {step}dad was still with us. Take me back to a time when I didn’t need 2 back surgeries…

  • A Senseless Tragedy Struck our Family

    A Senseless Tragedy Struck our Family

    It’s one of those things you think will never happen in your family…can’t believe I’m saying that twice in less than a year. This past Friday, July 17th a senseless tragedy struck our family.  The mother (Kim) of my brother’s wife (Nicole) was shot trying to protect her daughter (Brittany) and daughter’s boyfriend (Kyle). Sadly,…

  • Mixed Emotions on this day…it’s been 9 months

    Mixed Emotions on this day…it’s been 9 months

    I have mixed emotions on this day…it’s been 9 months to the day that my stepfather passed away unexpectedly. It’s also my birthday.  It’s also Memorial Day. Today I turn 45 and we would have surely all gone out for a special lunch or something to celebrate. Each year on birthdays, my parents’ anniversary, and…

  • She will be missed!

    She will be missed!

    My grandmother left us for Heaven on Friday. Man, this has been tough! As you know I posted about what a crazy month it had been in January… My parents and I left Georgia for Connecticut on January 14th and got back home on January 22nd. I returned to work – working January 23rd, 24th…

  • It’s been a crazy month!

    It’s been a crazy month!

    Oh January…as if it’s not bad enough that you make me shiver and wear socks when I really want to be in super cute shoes or sandals with my pretty toes peeking out, but you have really dealt us a difficult hand this year! Sorry to my blog followers that I haven’t posted anything crafty…