Pets de soeurs {Cinnamon Sugar Pinwheels}

Pets de soeurs {Cinnamon Sugar Pinwheels}

Growing up my Grammy would make Pets de soeurs and they were amazing!  I have renamed them Cinnamon Sugar Pinwheels because my years of high school French fails me at this stage in life! I have zero idea how to really pronounce Pets de soeurs and I’m pretty sure...
Pets de soeurs {Cinnamon Sugar Pinwheels}

Chocolate {or Lemon} Lush…Yum

My mother has had this recipe forever. it’s all typed up on a yellowed piece of paper and originally started out as Lemon Lush, but we are a family of people who don’t rush to all things lemon. We eat Chocolate Lush. And, it’s DE.LIC.OUS....
Yummy Pretzel Recipe

Yummy Pretzel Recipe

Recently a friend on Facebook shared this yummy sounding recipe. I convinced my mom to try the since I don’t cook can barely boil water. Turns out…I might have been able to figure this out, with the exception that my mom didn’t have Hidden Valley...