The Books are in the Mail!

The Books are in the Mail!

We’ve all been waiting for a while (some of us more impatiently than others), and the books are finally in the mail to all the wonderful Kickstarter supporters who requested a book for their pledge. Let me tell you, this truly was a “labor” of love...
The Books are in the Mail!

Timeline for the Final Phase

We are getting so much closer to having a book on the shelves! I recently received the below timeline for the final phase of getting the book finished, and I’m happy to say we are a little ahead of schedule even though ultimately we are behind the schedule I...
The Books are in the Mail!

Publishing a book is hard work

In all the years I have talked about wanting to publish a book, this book, no one ever once told me that publishing a book is hard work. Listen, I didn’t think it would be all easy peasy lemon squeezy, but I thought I would just write my stuff and get it...
The Books are in the Mail!


When you get home from a doctor’s appointment and there is an email in your inbox from Kickstarter with the subject “Your project has been successfully funded!” and then the opening line is “CONGRATULATIONS! You did it. You and 35 backers are...
The Books are in the Mail!

We are funded…what next?

The Kickstarter campaign is fully funded, but it doesn’t “officially” end until Thursday morning, June 30th around 10:30 am. So, what’s next you ask? All illustrations and commentary is being finalized and sent to the publisher. Then they will...