We are funded…what next?

The Kickstarter campaign is fully funded, but it doesn’t “officially” end until Thursday morning, June 30th around 10:30 am.

So, what’s next you ask? All illustrations and commentary is being finalized and sent to the publisher. Then they will work on putting it together in book format, editing it, and all that other fancy book publishing stuff! They will help me finalize a title and a cover image for the front of the book.

As mentioned in one of the first blog posts, the money we have now raised via our campaign will cover the following:

  • Copyediting
  • Cover Design
  • Book Layout Format Design
  • Mountain Arbor Press Soft Cover ISBN
  • Barcode With The Price
  • Library of Congress Control Number
  • Pre-Publication Copyright Registration
  • On-Line selling Set Up Fee
  • Initial run of 25 books

I never really realized how much goes into to getting a book out into the real world. Did you?

When the book is ready it will be listed on Amazon, BookLogix (the publisher’s website) and here on our own website!! Books will be listed for $11.95 and will be a colorful and fun soft copy book you can buy for yourself or as a gift for someone who needs a laugh!

Kickstarter image

5/8/23 – moved from website SayNoToKids.com


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