Letter to Ellen DeGeneres

Letter to Ellen DeGeneres

Dear Ellen: I’ve written this letter at least 100 times. I know you are probably wondering why you don’t have it given the number of times mentioned, but the truth is I’ve only written it in my head. I do my best daydreaming, thinking and...
Corporate America…{sigh}

Corporate America…{sigh}

I’ve spent much of my life working in Corporate America, and as you know from my blog I am a huge advocate for small business and for entrepreneurship. I’ve always thought it is because I don’t want to be micro-managed (I’m not by my current...
43 Things about Me!

43 Things about Me!

They say its your birthday…da na na na…it’s my birthday, too now. No, really, it’s my birthday. This year I’m the ripe ‘ole age of 43 and life is good. I really can’t complain. I have great family and friends, a good job, a...