Birthday Fun

25 Things about Me…On my Birthday

Here we are again…on May 25th – the anniversary of my birth 44 years ago. ย Just in case you missed it – last year I wrote 43 things about me. ย As I get older I have a harder time finding that many things to tell you about. HAHA

  • I love Sock Monkeys
  • I was raised to be kind to others – and it’s something I try to do everyday. I keep single dollar bills in my car for when I see someone on the street who needs help.
  • Last year I said I was blessed to still have all my grandparents except for my Buppy. Unfortunately, on January 31st this year I lost my Grammy (Buppy’s wife) and miss her so very much. ย She would have been 92 on May 13th and Buppy would have been 94 on May 17th.

Heather (2)

  • I love blogging and wish I had more time to do it.
  • I believe I am definitely a Gemini – it’s the perfect sign for me (if you believe in that kind of thing)
  • I want this as a tattoo on my foot – it is the Mac symbol forย undo – there is much in my life I think I’d want to undo, but I know I wouldn’t be who I am today if I did
  • I have made a lot of jewelry and have gotten compliments on it, but I don’t enjoy doing itUndo Mac
  • One of the first things I made with my grandmother was a velvety skating dress for the roller skating rink
  • I’ve been getting acrylic nails done since I was 18 and even if they are “bad for me” I can’t do anything without them
  • I bought a new sewing machine this year – and I love her! ย The Husqvarna Viking Opal 650 is amazing!
  • You can NEVER (ever) have enough extra feet for your sewing machine.
  • I never wanted to take a nap as a child, but I would pay to have at least 30 minutes each day where I can rest without anyone being around
  • I’m often considered “stingy” at work because I run everything like it’s my own business and I try to be careful spending the company’s money
  • Even though I don’t think I’m anything special – I am happy with myself and my looks. ย Being confident is good enough for me!
  • I am thankful for Facebook because it has reconnected me with some great friends from years past and introduced me to some amazing new people!
  • Family means the world to me! ย I cannot imagine any of them not being in my life.
    Christmas 1972
    Christmas 1972
Christmas 2011
Christmas 2011
  • Some of my favorite people are people I’ve never met (IRL)
  • I hate to receive flowers – no, seriously, I don’t like to be given flowers for a gift or for any reason
  • I have a lot of friends who are small business owners – I love being around them!
  • One of the best things someone told me this year came from someone I have known since middle school – someone who always meant a lot to me. ย whos nicer than you! lol u were always there when i was totally insane lol. nvr judged nvr cared means alot to me. gotta tell people how i feel while we have t chanceย And what makes it even more special is the abbreviations and acronyms – because this person knows me well enough and likes me enough to be themselves
  • I want to win the lottery (not so I can be rich) so I can pay my family back for all they have ever done for me, pay off debt for some special people, help those in need, start a new small business AND launch a non-profit!
  • I sometimes think life would be great without fur on my clothes and all over the house, but then I realize life would never be the same without a pet!
  • Getting old in numbers does not bother me – getting old in mind, body and spirit does.
  • I love to take pictures of random food found on the side of the road.
  • This year my mom and I will not be making our annual road trip to CT and even though it’s a really long and difficult trip – I will miss it immensely!

I’m so blessed to have another day (and year) on this earth. God has blessed me beyond measure in so many ways.

Thanks for stopping by – let me know what you’re up to this year. Is there anything about you that you can share with us?

Also – want to do something special for me for my birthday this year? ย Forget gifts! Help me by helping a fellow blogger and friend! Reese over at The Importance of Being Reese is raising money to help a friend who unexpectedly lost her mother this past week. Her friend Te’najia is in her 3rd trimester of pregnancy, has a young daughter and now has to plan (and pay for) a funeral. I have created an album of jewelry on Google to raise money for the funeral. If you leave your PayPal e-mail address in the comments I will send you an invoice for the item(s) and 50% of the proceeds will go toward the funeral. ย I hope you will consider helping!


3 responses to “25 Things about Me…On my Birthday”

  1. What a great list! I would never have guessed you don’t actually enjoy making jewelry! And I have a lot I would like to undo too….I think most of us do. The best we can do is go forward and try to change.

  2. Happy Birthday!

    I would also love to win the lottery.

    1. It sure would be nice, Amber, wouldn’t it!? I promise to share if you do the same.

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