
Throwback Thursday {weekly link-up} 3/20/14

Throwback Thursday banner (3)

Welcome to our Throwback Thursday Weekly Link-up. Do you have a blog post that you love from the past that needs some fresh attention and to be given a little love? Well…link it up below and we will share the love!

Hosted by:

The Fruitful Home


Just a few rules:

  • Please follow the hosts and show them some love!
  • Link up a post that deserves a 2nd read.
  • Share so others can join in the fun.
  • Visit at least 3 of the links and leave a thoughtful comment. Let them know you’re visiting from #ThrowbackThursdaylinkup
  • Each week your hosts will each pick a favorite post of the week and share them with you in the following week’s link-up.  Show them some “Pin”up love on Pinterest.
  • Pin your blog post to the Throwback Thursday Link-up Pinterest board. Make sure you place the link to your post in the URL field. The name field should contain the title of your post.  You can e-mail heather(at)geminiredcreations(dot)com to request to be added to our board!
  • Now…let’s get this PARTY started!

Ways You Can Follow your hosts:

~Tanya M from Mom’s Small Victories: Blog / Facebook / Google + / Pinterest / Twitter

~Heather L from Plum Crazy Life {the blog}: Blog / Facebook / Pinterest / Twitter

~Tanya F from My Fruitful Home: Blog / Facebook / Pinterest / Twitter

~Heather S from GeminiRed Creations: Blog / Facebook / Google + / Pinterest / Twitter

My favorite post from 3/13/14 is: Seeking Clarity in Life by Suzanne at Seeking Harmony! I can definitely understand money woes and how talking about it can make a huge difference!

Be sure to check the other hosts’ posts this week to find out which link was their favorite from last week!

You can also join me weekly here at GeminiRed Creations for my Wordless Wednesday link-up. Create a post of a meaningful, funny, exciting (or anything else) photo that needs no words, because as they say “A picture is worth a thousand words” and link it up to share with everyone! It’s awesome to see all the photos people take!

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2 responses to “Throwback Thursday {weekly link-up} 3/20/14”

  1. Hey Heather!!!
    Thanks for the link up – AND for favoriting my post from last week!!! That is awesome!

    Happy First Day of Spring!!!

    1. You are welcome…it was just one of those posts that touched me!

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