In 1988 at the “know-it-all” age of 18 (yes, I’m dating myself) if you had told me I’d be hanging around on the Internet on a regular basis and doing this thing called blogging I would have laughed at you. I mean…I would have laughed Right. In. Your. Face.  I’m not rude or anything, I would have just thought you were crazy.

As a small business owner several years ago with a brick and mortar shop I realized right away that the Internet and blogging were very important. Now that I run a business that is almost entirely online I realize that I have to keep up with my blog to keep customers and readers engaged.

I vaguely remember what I was doing in December 1997 when John Barger coined the phrase “weblog”.  It was my last winter living in CT and I certainly didn’t have weblog, blog,  or blogging on the brain.  I was probably gearing up for Christmas or New Year’s and at that time hadn’t even realized I would be moving to GA in March and would eventually have 3 or 4 different blogs I would contribute to over the course of the next several years.  Today I mainly blog here at GeminiRed Creations, but I have also blogged on skirt! magazine (mostly rants and personal stuff) and I’m involved in a multi-author blog – Plum Crazy Life which is lots of fun.

For more info:

I enjoy blogging because it gives me a chance to talk / write about things I love and I’m passionate about – especially here at GeminiRed Creations. I have a true passion for small business / entrepreneurship and for DIY so this gives me an opportunity to focus on those things even though I’m not currently at a point where I can do it full time. Thanks to my blog and Facebook, I’ve also been able to connect with other bloggers and join events such as Bloggy Boot Camp through The SITS Girls.  If you are thinking of expanding your blog…I’d check them out!

Tell me what you were doing pre blog days. What got you into blogging? And what keeps you blogging?

This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of BlogSkinny.  The content and opinions are entirely my own. GeminiRed Creations disclosure policy.


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