We need your help to meet our goal!

We need your help to meet our goal!

If you believe in helping people meet their goals, this is a great opportunity to make a pledge. Not only are you helping my dream come true, but you are helping a teenager see her illustrations come to life in a book! We are 25% of the way to our goal, but if we...
We need your help to meet our goal!

A huge thank you!

I want to say a huge thank you to those who have already jumped on board and donated to my Kickstarter campaign! By 7:00 pm ET on the first day I already had 5 contributors for a total of $300 bringing it to 17% funded. I hear you saying “that’s not very...
We need your help to meet our goal!

And so it begins…

I am beginning my journey toward publishing a book, and I hope you will follow along! This website is for my upcoming book 25+ Reasons not to have Kids which hopefully will be available in the next 3 months. On May 31, 2016 I launched a Kickstarter Campaign to raise...
I’ve waited 25 years for this…

I’ve waited 25 years for this…

I just launched my first Kickstarter campaign in an effort to publish a book I’ve had on my mind for quite a long time! I’ve waited 25 years for this! It’s been a well-known fact among my family and friends for many years, I am not the mothering...
Proud to be part of The 20 Project

Proud to be part of The 20 Project

I am so proud to be part of The 20 Project.  I can’t even begin to explain it.  It’s such an amazing feeling when you start something and can see it to the finish line.  There are some really great people who have participated in this project and each one...