I’ve waited 25 years for this…

I just launched my first Kickstarter campaign in an effort to publish a book I’ve had on my mind for quite a long time!

I’ve waited 25 years for this!

It’s been a well-known fact among my family and friends for many years, I am not the mothering type, and kids have not been part of my list of accomplishments, wants or desires. For a long time I have joked around about the reasons not to have kids, and because of that I’ve had this book “in the works” for many years.

When my friend’s stepdaughter came to live with her and her husband, I soon discovered that Rosy was a very talented illustrator and I enlisted her help in finally working to bring my book to fruition. Do you see the irony in that? I am writing a book about “not” having kids and I asked a kid (she’s officially a teenager now) to illustrate it!

Kickstarter image

25+ Reasons not to have Kids

~ Written by Heather A Stafford and Illustrated by Rosy Baker

Last week I took the day off for my birthday, and on that day I met with a project manager at BookLogix in Alpharetta, GA to come up with a game plan on how to move forward. After receiving the quotes and timeline I worked on putting together my Kickstarter campaign to help raise funds for all that goes into getting a book published.

My initial Kickstarter fundraising goal is $1,750, which covers the following:

  • Copyediting
  • Cover Design
  • Book Layout Format Design
  • Mountain Arbor Press Soft Cover ISBN
  • Barcode With The Price
  • Library of Congress Control Number
  • Pre-Publication Copyright Registration
  • On-Line selling Set Up Fee
  • Initial run of 25 books

I am pretty sure that Ellen DeGeneres is my spirit animal when it comes to not having kids. The segment she does on her TV show about why she doesn’t have kids is EXACTLY how I feel every time I see a similar video or picture like the ones that she shares. Case in point…

I do have a little experience in the writing/publishing world so this isn’t 100% new to me, thanks to The 20 Project I was involved in a few years ago with Hilary Curry and several other contributors!

If you, or anyone you know, would be interested in backing my project so I can publish my funny commentary on not having children – please share! Check out the website for the book at Say No to Kids!


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