Writing Prompts

Summer Vacation…what’s that?

Summer is coming – for those that have gotten out of school recently or are getting out of school soon summer vacation is here! I don’t really know what a summer vacation is! Sure, I had them when I was in school, but as soon as I was old enough to work that’s how I spent my summers out of school. And, for the past 4 years my mother and I took our long road trips from Atlanta, GA to Groton, CT to visit family, but that’s not really a vacation. It’s a lot of work driving that distance to and fro and then driving all around to make sure you see everyone and no one’s feelings are hurt. I’ve posted a few times about our crazy road trips!

My Grammy, the main reason mom and I made these annual roads trips, passed away on January 31st so this year we have no plans to make the journey. I will be sticking close to home, and if I get lucky might have the chance to meet up with some girlfriends for a long weekend in Charleston, SC or something. Vacations just aren’t the same as when we were kids…laying by the condo pool drinking grape Kool-Aid and not worrying about the risk of melanoma or sun damage.

7/6/13 – Enjoying the day

What do you have planned this summer? Will you and family be going somewhere fun and special?ย  ย would love to hear your plans – maybe I can live vicariously through you and your blog posts.

I’m joining Crossroads Media Hub and some blogging friends of mine in the 30 Days of Writing Prompts – June 2014. ย I am not promising a post every single day, but you never know. ย There are some fun prompts on the list. ย Want to join the fun? ย Why don’t you!? ย It’s the perfect way to get back into writing if you’ve been stuck for ideas, fun to read what others write about the same subject…and, well, just fun in general!


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