Summer is coming – for those that have gotten out of school recently or are getting out of school soon summer vacation is here! I don’t really know what a summer vacation is! Sure, I had them when I was in school, but as soon as I was old enough to work that’s how I spent my summers out of school. And, for the past 4 years my mother and I took our long road trips from Atlanta, GA to Groton, CT to visit family, but that’s not really a vacation. It’s a lot of work driving that distance to and fro and then driving all around to make sure you see everyone and no one’s feelings are hurt. I’ve posted a few times about our crazy road trips!
7/12/13 - note that I do not look as happy as I did when we started this journey
7/10/13 - enjoying the day
My Grammy, the main reason mom and I made these annual roads trips, passed away on January 31st so this year we have no plans to make the journey. I will be sticking close to home, and if I get lucky might have the chance to meet up with some girlfriends for a long weekend in Charleston, SC or something. Vacations just aren’t the same as when we were kids…laying by the condo pool drinking grape Kool-Aid and not worrying about the risk of melanoma or sun damage.
What do you have planned this summer? Will you and family be going somewhere fun and special? would love to hear your plans – maybe I can live vicariously through you and your blog posts.
I’m joining Crossroads Media Hub and some blogging friends of mine in the 30 Days of Writing Prompts – June 2014. I am not promising a post every single day, but you never know. There are some fun prompts on the list. Want to join the fun? Why don’t you!? It’s the perfect way to get back into writing if you’ve been stuck for ideas, fun to read what others write about the same subject…and, well, just fun in general!