Affiliate & Partner Posts (yes – it does say Moo)

I’ve recently seen a lot of information on Facebook about a company with an odd name – Have you seen it? They have been offering free cards to encourage people to “like” your Facebook business page. I saw it and said, “Why the heck not?” And I ordered my cards…

They seem to have a lot of great offerings beyond the Facebook cards, and so I’ve signed up to be an affiliate via my blog and GeminiRed Creations shop. I believe in supporting businesses that want to help small businesses grow.

Ever since closing my salon and 2008 I’ve been on a mission to help any of my friends (and family) who have small businesses and also to create a new small business of my own. It may not be the business that gets me out of Corporate America, but it gives me the opportunity to be creative and use the right side of my brain. For those that can’t recall – here is a reminder of what each side of the brain does. Creativity, artistic and musical skills and photographic memories are part ofย  the right cerebral cortex of the brain. Mathematic skills and easy work withย  numbers and words come from the left hemisphere. (Thank you Wiki Answsers for your help.)

If you are one of my small business friends…you may want to check out

Unique Business Stationary


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