Reconnecting with “old” friends on Facebook has been such a great part of the past few years of my life. I had a lot of friends in High School, and I’d like to consider myself somewhat popular (even today – LOL). What I have loved most about reconnecting with people is being able to see where they are today and see whose hopes and dreams have come true. I’m proud to say many of them have and many of the people I know seem to be in some way or another following dreams that involve working their “craft” full-time (or at least a lot of the time).

For at least 2 years I have been following posts by a High School friend, Nancy Menhart. She, and even her children, is fulfilling lifelong dreams of singing and performing (for audiences all around). Nancy is in a group called Borrowed Toys. When I decided to purchase their new CD the other day she seemed surprised that I wanted to buy 2 of them โ€“ I love to support small business so of course I want TWO!

Since I love to write about those people who are honing their craft I thought Iโ€™d ask Nancy if she would mind if I would post about her band and when she agreed I asked a few questions. So, in Nancyโ€™s own words (below) are the questions I asked along with her answers. Lots of things I didnโ€™t even know!



Why the name Borrowed Toys?

We get this question all the time. It is definitely a unique name but certainly has meaning behind it. The manager and guitar player of the band, Joe Ciaudelli happens to work for Sennheiser USA (supplier of microphones and sound equipment). We are blessed with being able to “borrow” the equipment for practices, shows and recordings. One day Joe was messing around with a piece of equipment at one of our practices. He was asked, “What’s you got there Joe?” Joe said, “Oh, just another borrowed toy”. Then we just decided that would make a cool band name. So we went with it.

How long have you been involved in music?

Every one of us in the band has been involved in music most of our lives. We, as a band, has been together for over 6 years now.

What are your inspirations?

I am inspired by life in general when it comes to music. When you hear and understand the lyrics, and they touch your soul and create a special place and “take you somewhere” I get inspired. I love to hear a song that speaks to me personally.

What keeps you going?

My dreams keep me going. The desire to never give up and teach my children to do the same. If I did not have the music avenue in my life, it would not be complete. Music fills the void.

How do you come up with your lyrics?

The lyrics in the songs that I write come from my heart. I have been through a lot the past two years and the songs include the experiences. I like to write lyrics that everyone can also relate to. I start with an idea of what I am personally going through, then make a song out of it. What most people do not know is that I cannot play an instrument. I write the lyrics, sing the lyrics/melody and chorus accapella, then sing it to the band.. From there, I get the band to arrange the music with my ideas.

I feel so honored to have worked with amazing musicians in the industry on this “Better” CD project.

How did we decide to support the blind?

The Masterer of our CD is blind. He was in a childhood accident that made him blind. He mastered the Rush CD. (I asked for clarification and by Rush โ€“ she means the band Rush)
Since we love dogs and we wanted to help the community, we thought it fitting to give our 2012 Cd sales to the Fidelco Foundation.

**To learn more about Borrowed Toys – check out their Facebook page (found HERE)**


3 responses to “Let there be Music!”

  1. Jo-Ann Brightman Avatar
    Jo-Ann Brightman

    I love the name “Borrowed Toys”, but I have not yet listened to this group

  2. Julie Wood Avatar
    Julie Wood

    Very interesting interview and answers to the questions you asked! I like what she said about music that the lyrics they touch your soul and create a special place is so true! I love listening to music and exercising to music! It really revs me up!

  3. carla bonesteel Avatar
    carla bonesteel

    Thanks for posting this interview…I love the name Borrowed Toys!

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