Birthday Fun

Happy May! It’s my birth month…Let’s Party!

To kick off my birth month I thought we should have a party! In honor of my birthday I want to give three of YOU a present!

Birthday Fun

Last year Hallmark launched these adorable Itty Bitty plush “toys” that kids of all ages have fallen in love with! People have been enjoying taking them along on trips to document where they have been – like Flat Stanley only better!

By-the-way…if you just so happen to read this blog post between the 1st and 4th of May (May the Fourth be with You) – hop on over to Twitter and take part in the Hallmark Itty Bitty Star Wars giveaway. It’s going to be HUGE! You can find out more on Hallmark.

These Itty Bittys are perfect for your Itty Bitty to carry around as their new best friend! Enter to win and I will award 3 people 1 of the 3 Itty Bittys I have available – choose from Elsa, Wonder Woman or Spiderman!

Itty Bitty Giveaway

Tell me which one you’d like to win and why? ย Are you keeping it for yourself or giving it to someone else?

Enter to win by using the Rafflecopter widget below. ย Let me know which Itty Bitt you would like to win – I will select 3 winners and Itty Bittys will be awarded in order winner is selected. ย You are not guaranteed the one you mention in the blog post comment below.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


82 responses to “Happy May! It’s my birth month…Let’s Party!”

  1. Ronnette Gideon Avatar
    Ronnette Gideon

    I would like spiderman for my grandson

  2. Audrey griffis Avatar
    Audrey griffis

    wed love Elsa but all are so cute

  3. Spiderman for my sweet baby boy due in August. Or Elsa for my daughter who like most girls LOVES FROZEN and Elsa! If it was picking for myself I would choose Wonder Woman of course. ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. Duane Cooper Avatar
    Duane Cooper

    I would love to WIN Wonder Woman for my wife! It would be perfect in her home office!

  5. Donna Teller Avatar
    Donna Teller

    I would love to win the Elsa because we love Frozen and I would give it to my niece. The Spiderman would be my second choice.

  6. Stacy Gillespie Avatar
    Stacy Gillespie

    Any of the 3 would be great ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. Stacy Gillespie Avatar
      Stacy Gillespie

      Oops! Elsa or Spidey

  7. Annmarie W. Avatar
    Annmarie W.

    I would choose the Elsa, for my niece who is a big Frozen fan!

  8. my daughter would love wonderwoman! I used to love her as a kid and I can’t wait for her to like her too

  9. Missy Marie Avatar
    Missy Marie

    I would love to win Elsa for my niece. she is crazy about Frozen:)

  10. Della Barker Avatar
    Della Barker

    I would love to win Spiderman Itty Bitty. Thank you!

  11. I love the Spiderman for my grandkids

  12. I like Spiderman for a gift

  13. June Lisle Avatar
    June Lisle

    I want to win the spider man because we love him in our house and he is so cute as an itty bitty.

  14. I would choose Wonder Woman. She is one awesome superhero and I use to watch her shows when I was younger. It would so be for me!

  15. tracy webb Avatar
    tracy webb

    I would give to my grand-son, Spiderman.

  16. Megan C. Avatar
    Megan C.

    I love the Spiderman one and would give it to my Godson.

  17. Elsa would make a nice gift.

  18. First of all, happy birthday! I would love to win Spiderman for my sons and Elsa for my niece!

  19. I would choose Spiderman for my niece – she’s always pretending to be him.

  20. I would love any of them! I have 2 boys and one girl and they would love these! I think spiderman would be perfect for my youngest boy though.

  21. Taryn T. Avatar
    Taryn T.

    This would be a toss up! My son would love Spidey, but my daughter would adore Elsa;…. I kind of dig Wonderwoman!

  22. I would choose Elsa for my daughter since her birthday is in a few days.
    Happy birthday to you!

  23. Angela Saver Avatar
    Angela Saver

    I would love to get the Spiderman Itty Bitty for my nephew because he would love it!

  24. Allison lesley Avatar
    Allison lesley

    I would choose the Wonder Woman for my sis in law.

  25. Id like to win spiderman for my nephew

  26. Leigh Anne Borders Avatar
    Leigh Anne Borders

    I would honestly want the Wonder Woman and I could keep it in a place to help me remember who I am esp when life gets crazy!

    1. Good for you! We all have a little Wonder Woman in us, don’t we!?

  27. My kiddo would love the Spiderman itty bitty!

  28. Nicole Sender Avatar
    Nicole Sender

    I’d love to give Spiderman to my grandson!

  29. Oops, guess I should’ve read the question better ๐Ÿ˜‰ If I were to win, of the 3 you have to giveaway, I would choose Spider man and give it to my son!

  30. I would love them all ๐Ÿ™‚ If I won I would pick Yoda though, he’s too cute not to!

    1. I love Yoda too so I don’t blame you for wanting him!

  31. Amy Williams Avatar
    Amy Williams

    My birthday is this month also, Happy Birthday! I would love spiderman for my son!

    1. Happy birthday to you as well! I have another giveaway launching this weekend so be sure to come back!

  32. Elizabeth Shaw Avatar
    Elizabeth Shaw

    Id would want Elsa and I would give it to me niece for her birthday!

  33. I want elsa to give as a gift for my sister!

  34. wen budro Avatar
    wen budro

    I would choose the Wonder Woman. These are super cute.

  35. jade matt Avatar
    jade matt

    OMG I just ADORE the Elsa Bitty! My daughter would love it!

  36. Cassidy ciazza Morelli Avatar
    Cassidy ciazza Morelli

    My children would love any of them!

  37. Rennie D Avatar
    Rennie D

    I would like to win the spider,am itty bitty because my son would love it.

  38. Kristi s Avatar
    Kristi s

    My girls would love Elsa!!

  39. Annamarie Magee Avatar
    Annamarie Magee

    My birthday was just on the 11th! I think my daughter would love the Elsa doll!

    1. Happy birthday! May is a great month for birthdays! I have another birthday giveaway coming that starts this weekend so be sure to check back!

  40. Rhea Chladek Avatar
    Rhea Chladek

    I like the Wonder Woman. She would make a great gift for a special young girl! ๐Ÿ™‚

  41. I’m a Wonder Woman fan so i’d pick WW and keep it for myself!

  42. Alysia Dufraine Avatar
    Alysia Dufraine

    Wonderwomen for my daughter! Cute!

  43. I would get the spiderman one and keep it for myself!

  44. Diana Stanhope Avatar
    Diana Stanhope

    I would love the Wonder Woman for my daughter, she is her favorite.

  45. Happy birth month! I’d love to win Elsa for my niece, who loves all things Frozen– even snow.

  46. Dianna Davis Avatar
    Dianna Davis

    Thank you so much for the giveaway—hard to pick just one–Catherine would love Elsa and Pierce would love Spiderman –so I guess Elsa would be the choice at this moment– thank you again

  47. Lauren Becker Avatar
    Lauren Becker

    I would love to have Elsa for my niece; how adorable! These are great.

  48. Debbie Lewis Avatar
    Debbie Lewis

    They are all so cute but I would choose Elsa for my granddaughter

  49. I’d love to have Elsa for my daughter!

  50. Amanda Morris Avatar
    Amanda Morris

    I would love elsa if i win it would make a great gift for my niece who has a birthday next month ๐Ÿ™‚

  51. I would love any of these! My kids would adore them.

    1. My personal favorite is Wonder Woman!

  52. debra daigle Avatar
    debra daigle

    Elsa! My daughter wants her!!

  53. Holly Mitkowski Avatar
    Holly Mitkowski

    I would love to win Elsa for my niece!

  54. I would love to win Elsa because it’s so cute. I would probably keep it. kristiedonelson(at)gmail(dot)com Thank you.

  55. I would love to win Elsa for my little sister. She is obsessed with Frozen. Thanks for the opportunity and Happy Birthday!

  56. Virginia Rowell Avatar
    Virginia Rowell

    I would love to win Wonder Woman for my granddaughter.

  57. My daughter would love Elsa and my son would love Spiderman. I would be happy with either.

    Happy Birthday to you!

  58. Dawn Monroe Avatar
    Dawn Monroe

    I would pick Yoda and Chewbacca for my Star Wars fans.

    1. I love the Star Wars ones as well, but if you win my giveaway has a choice between Elsa, Spiderman and Wonder Woman this time around!

  59. Maria P. Avatar
    Maria P.

    I love the spider man itty bitty for my baby brother.

  60. I would have to chose the Elsa for my special niece Emma Jo. She would adore it. Great site, I love to have new blogs and bloggers to follow. I love your name. ๐Ÿ™‚ Thanks for sharing. I crochet if your interested in stopping by my blog. Thanks for sharing.
    A Day In My Life, Crochet & Reviews

  61. latanya t Avatar
    latanya t

    Spiderman to my son because he is a fan of spiderman

  62. Melissa B. Avatar
    Melissa B.

    I’d like to win Elsa for my daughter because we’re going to Disney World at the end of this month.

  63. Christina M. Avatar
    Christina M.

    I would want the Wonder Woman ittybitty and I would gift it to my sister…. She’s been battling some health issues, and has truly been this tiny wonder woman! <3

    1. Wishing your sister well! Good luck!

  64. My granddaughter would love to have Elsa.

  65. I’d want Spider Man for my husband! It’d be a fun addition to his desk at work!

  66. My niece would love if I won the Elsa for her to have.

  67. Heidi Daily Avatar
    Heidi Daily

    Most of all I would love to win Spiderman for my son, but my daughter would also like Elsa.

  68. My first choice would be for the Spiderman Itty Bitty – it’s the one my daughter has been asking for! Thanks!

  69. Angela Alpaugh Avatar
    Angela Alpaugh

    My favorite would be the Wonder Woman Itty Bitty! Happy Birthday sweetie!

  70. I’d love to win Elsa. I would give it to one of my daughters because they love Frozen!

  71. Hm, tough choice as I could get Wonder Woman for my daughter, or Spiderman or Elsa. She would love them all. So too hard to chose. ๐Ÿ™‚

  72. I would love to win Wonderwoman! I would end up giving her away to my daughter because it is easier to give it than have it stolen lol!

  73. I would love to win the wonder woman one for my daughter. So cute!!

  74. GREAT way to celebrate you!

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