Happy Belated Mother’s Day

My post is late…Mother’s Day is, sadly, over. But, I want to be sure to publicly wish my mother a Happy Belated Mother’s Day! ย I sincerely hope that over the years I have done a good job of telling and showing my mom how much she means to me. Unfortunately, this past Mother’s Day she spent the day trying to help me feel better after spending a week in the hospital and a second back surgery since February. I would have much rather taken her out to lunch some place special and to see a funny movie or whatever else she wanted to do!

Even when my mother and I haven’t lived in the same state I can’t honestly think of a time when she wasn’t there or available if I needed her!

We’ve had a tough year with losing my grandmother, losing my stepdad, and me having 3 surgeries if you count the one before my grandmother passed. There is no way I would have survived without her!

My brother and I are so very lucky to be able to call my mom – MOM! ย And, through the years we’ve had many friends who have called her mom as well.

I’m sorry I wasn’t able to do more for you this year mom – I promise to make it up to you, and just want to make sure the whole world knows how much I love you! ย I will be 45 this month and only because of you have I made it this far. Thanks for putting up with me!

Loving my mom
Loving my mom

With all my love,


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