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Handmade for Newtown – Update!

1/19/13 – auction is closed and $5,021 was raised!  Great job to those who put it all together!!

If you haven’t been following on Facebook or don’t know…the auction for Handmade for Newtown is up and tomorrow night (Friday, January 18th) it ends!

Here is some information from From The Heart Auctions on Facebook:

let’s get the bidding started!!

♥ Comment on photo of the item on which you wish to bid.
♥ Your comment MUST include your bid amount and paypal address.
♥ Please do not erase bids or bid on items you do not intend to purchase.

From The Heart Auctions is proud to be partnering up with one of our long time supporters imagine gnats and new partner Casa Crafty to bring some relief to the town heard round to the world, Newtown, Connecticut.

Along with the rest of the… nation, our hearts broke on December 14th when a crazed gunman opened fire at Sandy Hook Elementary School killing 20 first graders and 6 teachers. Like many others, we felt compelled to help in any way possible.

From The Heart Auctions has an honorable reputation in helping those in need. We are trusted by many boutiques and bidders promising and proving all funds raised by our auctions go directly to our beneficiaries. We are happy to be partnering with imagine gnats and Casa Crafty, hosting an auction where 100% of funds raised will go to Newtown Parent Connection.

Bidding for this auction will be live through 10 pm EST on January 18.

Please read the following blog for more details: Imagine Gnats

There is a great selection of items available, but we need everyone’s help for this to be successful.  I’ve donated 4 items for the auction.


5 responses to “Handmade for Newtown – Update!”

  1. Thank you for doing this very lovely thing for those lost. Sounds like you raised a lot of money.

  2. Such a great cause. I am sorry I missed it. Thank you for doing such a great thing. Every little bit helps.

  3. Jo-Ann Brightman Avatar
    Jo-Ann Brightman

    Such a horriofic event. This is a great idea, although I am nervous about auctions.

    1. This auction is a little different. On Facebook you just list the amount you want to pledge and your e-mail address (you can private message it if you feel better about that) on the item you want to purchase/win and you will be sent a PayPal invoice if you win the bid. I hope you will consider participating. There are some great items and it goes to a terrific cause.

  4. carla bonesteel Avatar
    carla bonesteel

    This is such a lovely idea…I will be checking it out. Thank you for doing this. Oh…he also killed his mother, another innocent victim.

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