Friday Finds {6/5/15}

It’s time to share some of my “finds” with you this Friday in my new FRIDAY FINDS weekly post. Some of the items may not appeal to you, but you may have friends or family who have been looking for something and you and share with them. If you know of a great deal that is worth sharing…let me know!

Did you miss out on last week’s Rinse Bath & Body box of goodness? I sure hope you didn’t! Lots of my friends and readers took advantage of the great deal and look at what they received! ย My absolute favorite soap is Dead Sea Mud soap and it was in my box! My friends joked asking if I know the owner – why yes, I do. But, the boxes were all packed up and ready for labels before they knew they would be sending one to me. If you happen to be in or around the Atlanta area be sure to stop by the Rinse Bath & Body shop in Monroe, GA.

Rinse Box of Goodness collage

If you live in the Maryland area, know someone who does, or will be heading that way for summer vacation – check out this deal from LivingSocial for the Maryland Science Center.

If you love to sew and you would like to try your hand at making handbags, duffle bags and more – you should really check out Swoon Sewing Patterns. The creator and designer, Alicia, has come up with some amazing patterns. I have 2 in my collection and hope to try them soon!

Have you ever heard of Smiley360? I joined a while ago because it’s a great way to try new products and share with your family and friends. All you do is take surveys, when available, to qualify for the specific mission. If you qualify you will receive an item to review and you get points for sharing on your social media sites. ย I’m awaiting a delivery of Centrum MultiGummies multivitamins to try out. I will be sure to let you know how they are!Join Smiley360

Don’t forget to get signed up for Ebates – sign up now! ย It is an easy ay to save money by getting cash back that you can put aside for something special!

Ebates Coupons and Cash Back

This post contains affiliate links, and I may be compensated for any purchases made via that link. GeminiRed Creationsย disclosure policy.


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