
Are you Doing the Photo-a-Day thing?

It was either the beginning of last year or the end of 2011 that I came across Fat Mum Slim’s blog and attempted to follow along with her Photo-A-Day prompts.  I did pretty good for a while and then, well, I think life happened.  Funny enough – I am always taking pictures so I guess I really have no excuse for not doing it for 365 days!

Have you done this in the past?  Do you follow along?

If you’ve been wondering about my Instagram montage on the right sidebar of my blog – those are my Photos-A-Day!

Chantelle from Fat Mum Slim said I’m allowed to share with you the fun post from her blog so you can play along too!  Here is a picture of the photo prompts list for January, but be sure to click on it and head over to Chantelle’s blog and learn more…and follow along for each month!


Where can we follow you?  Instagram?  Tumblr?  Facebook?


2 responses to “Are you Doing the Photo-a-Day thing?”

  1. No Photo-a-day for me this month…but I do love doing these for inspiration every once in a while! Have fun!

    1. I hope you join in later! I love seeing everyone’s photos!

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