To Kill a Mockingbird {re}read!

As I was scrolling through Facebook last night I came across a postย from Go Set a Watchman – a new (well, newer) book from Harper Lee. ย That page had information about a {re}read of To Kill a Mockingbird that is happening from May 21st – 31st. ย Whoa! Yes, you did read that correctly! ย A book that has long been loved by millions is getting a new dose of energy and excitement around it.

photo credit...Go Set a Watchman
photo credit…Go Set a Watchman

The goal is to get people to read To Kill a Mockingbird again (or for the first time…wait. what? the first time? who hasn’t read this book?) to get ready for Go Set a Watchman which is set to be released in July and features many of the same characters found in To Kill a Mockingbird…only 20 years later. Haven’t you been wondering what Scout is up to? And Atticus…of course you want to know!

I confess – I did not read To Kill a Mockingbird in my younger years when in junior high or high school. Sure, I had the opportunity. ย I probably had plenty of opportunity if I really think about it, but I was not interested in it at that time. It’s really a shame to think back on it and realize I missed out back then. I went back to school in my late 20s / early 30s and ended up in a literature class and the book we spent the most time on was To Kill a Mockingbird. At first I couldn’t seem to get into it, but mid-way through I got to a point where I just couldn’t put it down and wanted to read it every minute I could. We watch the movie in class and Gregory Peck made it even more appealing to me.

If you want to read along and join the fun, be sure to follow Go Set a Watchman on Tumblr | Twitter | Instagram | Facebookย  Be sure to use the hashtag #TKAM and you can also share images of your well-loved copies of the book. Sadly, I don’t even have my copy anymore so I just ordered a new copy and thanks to Amazon Prime it will be here Thursday! I mean – it’s only $5.18 and free Prime shipping. Woohoo!

Are you going to read along? ย When did you first read To Kill a Mockingbird? Are you looking forward to Go Set a Watchman?

Be sure to follow along on social media and if you want to share your info you can do so in the comments below and I will follow along with you.

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