Category: Reading & Books

  • To Kill a Mockingbird {re}read!

    To Kill a Mockingbird {re}read!

    As I was scrolling through Facebook last night I came across a post from Go Set a Watchman – a new (well, newer) book from Harper Lee.  That page had information about a {re}read of To Kill a Mockingbird that is happening from May 21st – 31st.  Whoa! Yes, you did read that correctly!  A book…

  • The 20 Project {Pre-order Now}

    The 20 Project {Pre-order Now}

    Oh. My. Word. It’s getting real! Found out today that The 20 Project is now available for pre-order. I know you’ve heard me talk about it before, and I hope you aren’t sick of me talking about it. We are so proud of this project. Seeing it live and available on Amazon is just simply…

  • Getting Creative…A self-publishing story

    Getting Creative…A self-publishing story

    Getting creative with Kal Barteski: A self-publishing success story Blurb author Kal Barteski is a maker extraordinaire whose creativity knows no bounds. She’s a working designer, painter, storyteller, book creator, TEDx speaker, and calligrapher who can now add “video star” to her resumé with the first of our Canadian book-maker profiles. Watch the first installment…