An Intro into doTERRA Essential Oils…and Giveaway Too!

Nothing like a little backstory to get this blog post started off right. Heather started a group a little over a year and half ago that’s sole purpose was to trade craft supplies from a craft company’s grab boxes. What started as trading supplies soon turned to asking crafting advice, then life advice and before we knew it we had a fantastic little group of friends. We’ve seen each other through some rough times as well as some fantastic ones. It’s been a great blessing in my life and I am so grateful to her for it. So a small shout out to Heather! Now back to why she invited me here. 🙂

I am super excited to get to blog today about one of my favorite things – dōTERRA Essential Oils!  A couple of years ago I had a friend start using Essential Oils.  She invited me to a class and I honestly had no idea what they were but I wasn’t really interested because I felt content in our health choices at the time.  But then small things would happen where western medicine would fail me and I would call her to see if she had anything that could help us.  After doing this a number of times, I decided to take the plunge and buy an intro kit to really try them out for myself.  Two years later and I am still amazed sometimes at how well they work!

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For me there are a few basic reasons that I love Essential Oils. First is that I love having the power to help my own family when they are sick. I like being able to tend to them without always running to the doctor’s office or reaching for medicine. It has saved us a lot of time and money. Even with five young kids at home we rarely ever have to go to the doctors. In the last year I think we went once for well-child check-ups and I have bought zero medications. It feels good to be in control of what goes into my kids bodies as well. I also really like the dōTERRA company. I believe they live by their strict purity standards. They have tons of amazing promotions as well as a loyalty rewards program that offers some great rewards.

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A quick plunge into what exactly Essential Oils are for those who were like me and had no idea. The first thing is they don’t feel oily. If you put a drop in your hand it will absorb in about 30 seconds and you would no longer be able to tell it was ever there. They are quick and effective like that. Essential Oils are derived from living plants so they are powerful. For a reference point, to equal one drop of peppermint oil you would need to have 28 cups of peppermint tea. Herbs are made from dead plants and therefore a much lower potency. The oils are used in three basic ways, aromatically, internally, and externally. Aromatically means diffusing them or even just putting a drop in your hand to breathe it in. Internally you can put a drop under your tongue or add it to your water. All Essential Oils that are safe to take internally will have a nutrition supplements guide on them. Lastly and one of the biggest ways I personally use them is externally. A common place to put them is on the soles of your feet. Your feet have the largest pores in your body, so they are able to quickly pull the oils into your bloodstream. But they can also be placed wherever it is you have a need for them. If my stomach hurts I rub some on my belly.  If it’s my head, I place them on my temples, etc. There are so many wonderful uses for these oils!

Today I wanted to give you a chance to try some of these oils for yourself! So we are going to be giving away a cute wooden gift box with 5mL bottles of On Guard, Peppermint & Wild Orange Essential Oils. Let me tell you a few quick things about each one and why they are so great.

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On Guard is one of dōTERRA’s top sellers. It’s formulated to help support healthy immune functions. At the first sign of sickness I start diffusing this one as well as putting it on everyone’s feet. Because kids share germs easily we tend to catch everything, but I feel like this has helped us shorten the sickness and get healthy again quickly. It has also helped us limit the number of family members getting sick to only a few of us will get a cold rather than the whole family. Another amazing use for On Guard is on a sore throat whether from strep or a cold. At the first sign of any throat problems put a drop under your tongue and it will help sooth your throat and take away the pain. Many people take a drop under their tongue daily to help them avoid even getting sick.

Peppermint is another powerhouse essential oil. This one has so many great uses. The first is as a digestive aid. Rub a drop or two on your stomach (diluted with a carrier oil for sensitive skin) for digestive problems. A few drops on your temples and back of neck will help take away a headache. The smell alone will help invigorate the senses, so place a few drops in your hands in cupping position and breathe it in. It can also help with temporary nausea from car sickness or motion sickness.  A drop under the tongue will open up the sinus and make you more alert.

Wild Orange is great as a hand sanitizer. A drop on your palm, rub your hands together and now they are sanitized without the alcohol or other chemicals normally found in hand sanitizers. I also really like to diffuse this one since it smells amazing. As with most of the citrus oils, it’s a mood up lifter and makes you feel more energetic and happy.  Plus, I love to add a drop or two to my famous orange rolls. Yum!

Hopefully this has got you excited to explore the world of Essential Oils and all they can offer you and your family. I’ve listed my contact information below if you would like to reach me about any questions you have. Send me an email if you’d like to try a sample of something. And stay tuned since after we announce the winner, I will have some fabulous getting started promotions for those interested in purchasing some Essential Oils. I’d love to hear your comments! Good luck in the giveaway!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

If you want to learn more about dōTERRA Essential Oils, please feel free to check out my website or Facebook page or email me.


-Heather L.


100 responses to “An Intro into doTERRA Essential Oils…and Giveaway Too!”

  1. […] a mom of five young kids, it’s hard for my friend Heather L. to get dinner on the table and stay sane.  With a slow cooker and this fantastically easy […]

  2. […] signed up with doTERRA some time at the beginning of last year thanks to my friend Heather from the The Healing Homemaker who has guest posted on my blog and done a fantastic giveaway!  Even though I signed up last […]

  3. Donna Teller Avatar
    Donna Teller

    I want to win these to give to my mom because she would love to try these.

  4. I am interested in learning more about essential oils. I would love to win, so I could try these out and see how well they work.

  5. Michelle Dorrough Avatar
    Michelle Dorrough

    I would like to win the oils because the onguard is great for sore throat, I heard the peppermint is good to use together with positive affirmations to help eliminate negative beliefs. It supposed to be powerful to think positive things and associate it with the olafactory glands and peppermint is a very powerful smell so it is supposed to be good for that. I would like to try it out! I don’t know much about wild orange, but I’m excited to try it!

  6. My best friend just started using essential oils and she loves them. I’d like to try them myself.

  7. I haven’t got to try the On Guard or wild Orange yet,I’m still learning the uses.I LOVE using Essential Oils.

  8. I love essential oils and would like to have these to add to the ones I have already used.

  9. Christina Swenson Avatar
    Christina Swenson

    I would love to win dōTERRA essential oils because I had a baby in Dec and lost my husband to cancer in Jan and could really use a mood boost.

  10. Julie Waldron Avatar
    Julie Waldron

    I want to win them because I want to start doing more with essential oils & I’ve been wanting to try out the Peppermint essential oil.

  11. Jennifer Herman Avatar
    Jennifer Herman

    I have really dry skin and these would help!

  12. We only recently started using essential oils and we are still finding new uses for them.

  13. I would like to try these oils because when I was younger there were some on the market that you could purchase over the counter, and they worked wonders-

  14. I would love to try these essential oils because I haven’t before. I’m really interested in the On Guard’s usage for sore throats.

  15. Desiree Dunbar Avatar
    Desiree Dunbar

    I want to win because I’d like to use the essential oils for aromatherapy.

  16. Darlene Wetzel Avatar
    Darlene Wetzel

    I have never tried essential oils and would love to.

  17. Melissa Douglass Avatar
    Melissa Douglass

    Because I have been dying to try these oils! I hate taking medicine.

  18. Kathie Craig Avatar
    Kathie Craig

    My husband uses Peppermint in his CPAP machine at night. It helps him breath better and I love the aroma.

  19. I would love to win the dōTERRA essential oils because I have never tried anything like this and would like to try them out! 🙂

  20. Aimee Trader Avatar
    Aimee Trader

    I want to try them because I have heard nothing but awesome things about them. Would love to start doing things more naturally.

  21. I want to win this because I am new to essential oils and this would be a greater starter set

  22. Tanna Sutherland Avatar
    Tanna Sutherland

    I would love to win this set to better my family’s health.

  23. I would love to learn the different uses and see how they work for me!

  24. stephanie landeros Avatar
    stephanie landeros

    I have only tried them once before and would like to use them in my daily life.

  25. I would love to win these because I have been researching natural remedies etc.

  26. Denise Hauer Avatar
    Denise Hauer

    Thank you so much for a chance at this awesome giveaway! I have started using peppermint, but would love to try more oils!

  27. Mishell DeFelice Avatar
    Mishell DeFelice

    Because they smell so amazing!

  28. Because I’ve never tried them

  29. Danalee Davis Avatar
    Danalee Davis

    I want to win them, because I love essential oils.

  30. I would love to win them so I can try them because I have heard a lot about them.

  31. Holly Thomas Avatar
    Holly Thomas

    I have been very interested in trying out essential oils. I have done a lot of research about them and would love to win to give them a try!

  32. I have never tried essential oils and I would really love to try them.

  33. Vicki Geslak Avatar
    Vicki Geslak

    LOVE doTerra!

  34. Stephanie Davis Avatar
    Stephanie Davis


  35. Gail Williams Avatar
    Gail Williams

    I want to build up an emergency kit of essential oils. These 3 would be nice.

  36. To bring health and wellness to my family, naturally.

  37. Kristyn Martin Avatar
    Kristyn Martin

    I would love to try these essential oils – especially the peppermint, which I have heard can help with migraines! Thanks so much for the chance!

    1. Kristyn-
      I have some friends who’ve had great results with the oils for headaches or migraines. doTERRA makes a blend called Past Tense that is specifically for headaches. Their peppermint & deep blue oils are especially good for migraines. Contact me after the giveaway is over and I can send you some samples to try.

      1. I love the Past Tense – have rolled it on before bed a few times, but an ice pack on my head and just laid there in the dark for a bit before going to bed.

  38. Barbara Adams Avatar
    Barbara Adams

    I’ve used other brands of essential oils and love and enjoy them, I have not tried the do terra brand as of yet, but am interested in doing so.

  39. CAN NOT WAIT. I’m so in, it’s ridiculous. Whether I win or not, I’m heading to Heather T.’s facebook to sign up. Also, I miss you, Heather Ann!

  40. I would love to try the oils for my little guy who is on his way as well as my husband who suffers from allergies.

  41. I would love to try these on my hair.

  42. I would love to win this so that I could try them out! I would love to start a collection 🙂 Thanks for the chance!

  43. I love essential oils and have never tried he DoTerra oils! I have heard a lot about them though! 🙂

  44. I haven’t ever tried DoTerra, this looks like the perfect way to experience these oils for the first time.

  45. I’ve been hearing about DoTerra and I’m very interested in trying it out. I’d love to win.

  46. Amazing Giveaway!!!

  47. Angela Saver Avatar
    Angela Saver

    I would love to win this as I have been doing a lot of reading about essential oils & would like to try them out for my family!

  48. I would like to win! I do not have many oils yet!

  49. On Guard is my absolute fave oil!! It is helpful, especially during the winter with all the sickness going around. =)

  50. likeaboss590 Avatar

    I want to win these essential oils because I have an oil burner and also use essential oils for my skin and hair! Would be great to try them! Thank you for the opportunity! 😀

  51. I have heard of doTERRA and how awesome they are. It would be nice to try the oils – better alternative than over the counter drugs.Thanks!

  52. BobbiJO Pentney Avatar
    BobbiJO Pentney

    I want to improve my families health and have less visits to the doctors office to have them hand me a white piece of paper.

  53. I would like to win because I have never tried these before but have heard good things about these oils.

  54. I’d love to try these for various fibromyalgia symptoms I’m dealing with. Thanks for the opportunity to win!

    1. Alison-
      I’ve had a few people start using the oils specifically to help deal with that. Send me an email after the giveaway is over and I can send you some samples to try!

  55. Nicole Lancaster Avatar
    Nicole Lancaster

    I want to win this doTerra kit because i frequently use the OnGuard and the Peppermint oils. I love them.

  56. I only have one essential oil and would love to have more.

    1. Oh my! Of course you need more than one! Good luck!

      1. Thank you!

  57. I’ve tried their InTune and would love to try their other oils.

    1. It’s good to have a mix of oils available for all the reasons you may need/want them! Good luck!

  58. I want to win because I love all the different uses of oils.

    1. There is definitely a lot you can do with them! Good luck!

  59. Kristen Cantwell Avatar
    Kristen Cantwell

    I would love to try them for post-yoga workouts! So relaxing!

    1. Essential oils and yoga – a perfect mix! Good luck!

  60. I want to win because I had a sample of peppermint oil and it was great for opening up my sinuses.

    1. Peppermint is also great for awakening the senses if you get that afternoon energy drain. Good luck!

  61. I’d LOVE to win these oils because I’ve recently become addicted to oils, but haven’t gotten the chance to try doTerra brand yet. Though, I’ve heard soooo much good about them. Also, the box is adorable! (:

    1. doTerra is great so I know you would love it! Good luck!

      1. Thank you! (:

  62. iamalighthouse Avatar

    I love oils! I would love to try these!

  63. Bridget Merker Avatar
    Bridget Merker

    I love essential oils and haven’t tried the on guard yet.

    1. On Guard is great! Good luck!


  65. David Fultner Avatar
    David Fultner

    I want to try the oils because I have never used them.

    1. You should definitely try them if you never have! What a difference they can make! Good luck!

  66. I love Doterra, and use peppermint regularly. As a public school teacher, who has already had an upper resp. infection this year, I think It is about time to get some OnGuard.

    1. Eeek…getting germs from the kids at school is never good! Good luck!

  67. I want to win these for my wife since she loves this kind of thing.

    1. What a great husband! Good luck!

  68. Megan Swinney Avatar
    Megan Swinney

    I want to try them for the first time.

    1. For the first time? Oh my! You are in for something great if you win (and if you don’t win you should reach out to Heather to talk about trying some). Good luck!

  69. Kathleen M Smith Avatar
    Kathleen M Smith

    I would love to win these essential oils because Doterra has such a great reputation, I have never tried the OnGuard and some of my oils are so old, they need to be replaced.

    1. It’s always great when you know the company has a great reputation. Good luck!

  70. I am especially excited about the On Guard in the giveaway, it is one I have been wanting to try.

    1. It’s a great one to use! Good luck!

  71. I have used Essential Oils and love them. Peppermint is my favorite.


    1. Good luck! Maybe if you win you get to try something new!

  72. amanda brantley Avatar
    amanda brantley

    My sister is interested in oils, I’d love to win so that I could give them to her to try!

    1. Sounds like a great opportunity for her to try…she should enter as well for more chances! Good luck!

  73. I would love to win because I’ve only had a sample of Peppermint before. I would be so thrilled to win full bottles, especially of On Guard to be able to stay healthy!

    1. On Guard is awesome – good luck!

  74. I love healing naturally (especially since most OTC stuff doesn’t even seem to work for me!). Thanks for the awesome giveaway! 🙂

    1. Isn’t it great to have options other than prescription drugs?! Good luck!

  75. I would love to try them out!

    1. You will surely like them! Good luck!

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