Getting Creative…A self-publishing story

Getting creative with Kal Barteski: A self-publishing success story

Blurb author Kal Barteski is a maker extraordinaire whose creativity knows no bounds. She’s a working designer, painter, storyteller, book creator, TEDx speaker, and calligrapher who can now add “video star” to her resumé with the first of our Canadian book-maker profiles. Watch the first installment in our Canadian Author video series with a wild look at Kal’s creativity. We think you’ll be inspired to make your own book with Blurb.

See the video.

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8 responses to “Getting Creative…A self-publishing story”

  1. Thanks for sharing! Stopping by today for #SITSblogging!

    1. Thanks for visiting! Stop back again sometime…we do a weekly Wordless Wednesday link-up you can join in the fun!

  2. Love Blurb! While I haven’t used it for self-publishing purposes, I did use Blurb to turn my for-family-eyes-only blog into a book that I could share, and it was awesome.

    1. I haven’t tried it out yet, but I can’t wait to!

  3. How fun! I’d love to make a children’s story for my daughter, if only I could find illustrations! Thanks for showing how easy it can be!

    1. I wrote a little bed time story and need to find someone to illustrate it! It would be so fun for you to create a story for your daughter!

  4. So cool! Interesting things to take into consideration….

    Stopping by from the SITS Girls!

    Have a great weekend!

    1. Thanks for stopping by…hope to see you again in the future!

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