Getting Crafty

Winter Fun…Frozen Bubbles! {tutorial}

HAPPY FIRST DAY OF WINTER! Maybe you’ve come across some photos of amazing frozen bubbles – if you remember some horrible winter stories in the last few years it has given people the opportunity to have some winter fun with frozen bubbles. And one of my wonderful photography friends shared some amazing photos and a tutorial of how to make these awesome bubbles! While I don’t even want it to be cold (I moved from Connecticut to Georgia for a reason), this just looks like fun!

LewisCreek Water Mark

When temperatures plummeted all around the country last winter, a post of a woman and her son making the most of the frigid air by freezing bubbles outside, went viral. Her photos were incredible and just about every photography related page or blog I follow had some mention of frozen bubbles. And it is understandable. The crystals formed on the bubbles are varied and beautiful. And they are fun to watch as they transform. I had attempted frozen bubbles a couple of years ago without much success. Armed with a new bubble recipe and the inspiration all over the net, I tackled this phenomenon once again.

First, living in Minnesota, we were one of the coldest of the cold areas so I was pretty sure I would not have much trouble. In my first practice run, it was actually too cold and the bubbles froze, and promptly burst, almost as quickly as I blew them. After a couple of quick searches for help, I decided to add some glycerin (since it is alcohol based) to my mixture to slow the freezing a bit and it definitely helped.

I gathered my ingredients and went to work measuring and mixing them together.

Frozen Bubbles (1)

The recipe I used is:
1/2 cup dish soap
1 1/2 cups water
1/4 cup corn syrup
1 tablespoon of glycerin

Frozen Bubbles (2)

Mix them together gently (I found using a fork or the bubble wand worked great) until all ingredients are blended together. I had a bubble wand from a regular bottle of bubbles plus I fashioned a larger one by simply twisting some floral wire into a 3 inch circle. The larger wire wand make giant bubbles that were easier to photograph in the air.

Next, head outside, start blowing bubbles and watch the magic! I found that on days with the temps in the 20’s or higher, the bubbles took much longer to freeze or did not freeze at all before they popped. The days that were below zero were definitely best but I had to work quickly to catch great photos.

Here are my best shots from my latest round of bubble fun!

Frozen Bubbles (3)

Frozen Bubbles (4)

Frozen Bubbles (5)

Frozen Bubbles (6)

Round two…I gave it another try. ย Look how lovely these are!

Frozen Bubbles (7)

Frozen Bubbles (8)

You can learn more about Kim’s photography by visitingย Lewis Creek Photography.

Are you ready to give frozen bubbles a try?


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