Business & Work

Small Business Tips and Tricks

If you are running a small business, or are looking to start a small business there are some things that you should keep in mind. First off, itโ€™s not easy running a small business. Many people enjoy it, but if you are running it by yourself make sure that you are keeping yourself as organized as you possibly can to reduce the stresses that come along with it. To help you on your journey here are some small business tips and tricks that I hope you will be able to put to use!

Write things down.

You donโ€™t actually have to physically write things down, if you prefer to use apps on phones, tablets and computers, thatโ€™s fine as well. I like to use Evernote which syncs between my phone and computer. They’ve changed a little over time so it looks like I may need to upgrade to a higher level so I get the most out of it.

Just get your ideas down onto or into something as soon as they come to you.This includes in the shower! I canโ€™t tell you how many times I have had a genius idea while in the shower! Did you know they even have a waterproof notepad available these days? Saving your ideas might just get you out a rut somewhere down the line. ย I also like to keep a notebook in my car, in my nightstand, in my sewing room and I have several in my home office. ย I like to be prepared if something comes to mind!

Keep records.

Running a business is all about smart spending and investing. Wasting money isnโ€™t an option when you want to start making a profit. You will also be thankful that you kept records when it comes time to do your taxes. Hand your records to your accountant and they will be able to take care of the rest. Itโ€™s ideal to digitally keep track of records so that you donโ€™t have stacks of paper sitting around and so that things can be organized easily and without issues.

I recently switched from QuickBooks PC version to the online version. It easily imports transactions from PayPal so that I no longer have to do double work. I highly recommend it as a quick and easy way to keep records for your business. ย And, ย you can very easily share the information with your accountant!

Make a marketing plan.

Marketing is another big topic for small business. How are you, or are you going to, get yourself out there, market your service or product? Where are you going to advertise? What social media sites do you need? What is your game plan? A lot of questions, I know. But you need to be able to answer these questions. Start writing down the answers asap to get yourself moving with a marketing plan and on the way to expansion.

Did you know that the SBA has local Small Business Development Centers (SBDC) in states all over the country (and multiple locations in some states)? ย They offer terrific resources and counseling to small business owners – and often for FREE!

Be open to new opportunities.

Open up your mind to new opportunities! Donโ€™t be afraid to strike up conversations with people at the grocery store, talk to friends and family about things they might have to offer, put yourself out there and opportunities will come knocking, I promise! Keep an open mind and an eye on things that you can do to better your business.

Speaking of new opportunities – I have spent much of the past year working with web developers to create a new eCommerce deal site that I’m looking forward to launching at the end of August / beginning of September of this year {2015}! I can’t wait to share it with everyone and I certainly hope that everyone will enjoy my newest “creation” of Happy Mail Deals! ย It came about due to the passion of several girls I have met over the years, and their belief in me and this project helped me get this far! {Thank you, Plum Crazies!}



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