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Pick Your Plum…Spring Goodness!

It’s a good day over at Pick Your Plum! There are lots of great items you won’t want to miss!

There are things for gifts to tuck in the Easter baskets to cute hangers for your wall to show off your beautiful jewels!

Here’s a sneak peek of just a few things before you head over to Pick Your Plum (link below) and get your shopping on!ย  (Trust me – if you want some great things you need to log on early because I am friends with over 100 Pick Your Plum addicts and we have our alarms set to check out the goodness everyday Monday – Friday)!


To start shopping – click here…


7 responses to “Pick Your Plum…Spring Goodness!”

  1. the ties and headbands are adorable!!!loved this:) so stylish!

    1. I love the stuff the Pick Your Plum posts – especially the super cute kid stuff!

  2. Karen Hand Avatar
    Karen Hand

    Looks like this site has a lot of nice goodies. I also like the flashlights, which would make a great addition to someone’s Easter basket.

    1. Everyday Pick Your Plum has great deals everyday – usually it’s just one item per day as a special, but every once in a while they do several like today. And every few weeks they do a grab box with all kinds of great items in it!

  3. The flashlights are cute, my husband would steal all of them from me though if I got any ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. That seems to be the way with things like flashlights when it comes to husbands (or boyfriends). I bought one for my nephew for Easter – let’s hope my brother doesn’t take it.

  4. I love the little flashlights and I think that the ties and the headbands are super cute.

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