Getting Crafty

Oh Pinterest…how I *heart* thee!

Okay, okay – Pinterest is addictive! I know this! But, I’ve been very good at controlling the amount of time I’m on there because I know I could just get carried away and spend hours upon hours on there without the blink of an eye!

This year I’m promising myself I’m going to make something of all these boards I have out there and my goodness I’m going to get busy making stuff from those boards! ย If you’ve seen on the home page of my website, I have a tagline that reads โ€œTurning Pinterest boards into reality!โ€ย – this isn’t because I’ve been busy making things that I want (that’s for sure). What that tagline really means is that my friends see things on Pinterest and ask me if I can make it. And, most times, the answer is a resounding YES. Heck…I will give most things a try at least once (except bungee jumping – that’s simply not going to happen).

Here is where you can find my board titled To Do in 2013!

And some examples include…

I love this little trash receptacle you can use for your car. ย It’s so cute and the fabric is lovely, too. I found it on Pinterest, but it comes from this great blog – A Ditchin’ Time Quiltsย (link goes to a tutorial for making these cute trash bags).

And this adorable thimble and pin necklace comes from another awesome blog – The Wind and The Sail: The Crafty Thoughts of Laura Stantz (link goes to tutorial for making this great necklace).

What Pinterest projects are on your list to complete this year? Feel free to share a link to one or all of your boards! We’d love to see what you are up to.

You can find me on Pinterest here!


8 responses to “Oh Pinterest…how I *heart* thee!”

  1. Pinterest… probably close to being as addictive as chocolate and coffee… so many ideas, and ideas spawned by the ideas that I had when I saw the other people’s ideas pinned on their boards… and at some point between the creative explosion in my brain and the dysfunctional outlet of my hands the masterpiece I IMAGINE manifests itself into a physically unidentifiable thingamajigy vaguely resembling the work of a two year old. Oh…Pinterest….

    1. Oh no…I hate when that happens (and lord knows it’s happened a few times). I’ve been trying to draw a 17″ circle for 3 days so I can make something. LOL

  2. I seriously LOVE how creative people are and can be. I have a board called “Crafts I can’t do, but wish I could” because they are just so amazing. You can find me at if you are so interested.

    1. I can’t do any of those things on your “can’t do” board either! Love that peacock chair! You’ve done some great stuff – crochet, right? Do you have an Etsy shop? Please share!

  3. I love pinterst too, but I just learned that if you don’t have enough people following your pinterst page that you can only follow so many people. So sucks because I have had to start another pinterest page to accomodate all of the
    follow this person or that for the sweeps and giveaways. It’s frustrating to say the least.

    1. Interesting…I had no idea. How did you find that out? I’m going to have to ask all my blogger friends about this. That’s not fun at all!

  4. Thanks a lot for adding yet another project to my list! That chicken wire frame thing is going to have to go up in my kitchen!

    1. I know…my list gets longer everyday! I love that chicken wire bucket list.

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