Getting Crafty

Do you have enough Whimsey in your life?

The answer to that is probably a resounding “no” because we all work ourselves to death! Several months ago I came across something called WhimseyBox…with a name like that I had no choice but to look into it further. And boy am I am happy I did!

I read about it and instantly wanted to sign up! However, at the time I was placed on a waiting list because it was something new being launched (in their living room) and the demand was high. Thankfully it was a short waiting list and it didn’t take long to get my first box in the mail.

Here’s an example of such Whimsey…


If you are looking for a fun way to get your creative juices flowing, or you are already creative and you are looking for inspiration, this is the way to go! For a monthly fee you receive one box full of stuff, ideas on the card inside as well as on their blog. I have had so much fun with the stuff that I’ve received.

On their website they even have a way for you to upload projects you’ve done – even if not from the boxes they’ve sent you. Just think of the fun you can have…the possibilities are endless!

6/30/19 – I still have a bunch of unfinished projects from all the boxes I received and found out a few months ago while doing a Google search that the company went under. It was fun to receive boxes that could put my creativity in motion, but clearly I didn’t do a great job since many of the projects are incomplete or never started.


One response to “Do you have enough Whimsey in your life?”

  1. […] kind of ideas they have! If you have not heard of WhimseyBox I have blogged about them previously (here). It is an awesome subscription program – each month you will receive a beautifully wrapped […]

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