Cooking Recipes

Bacon Wrapped Chicken {recipe}

I love chicken…my mother will tell you I can eat it just about every day of the week. I mean, you can cook it so many different ways it’s not like you are eating the exact same thing everyday. So, on days when you get sucked into viewing all the posts and videos on Facebook, and you stumble on a post from a friend that leaves you drooling over the yummy picture they posted – you have no choice but to save it for later.

Thanks to my friend Jessica F who shared an amazing picture one day of her Bacon Wrapped Chicken I just had to get the recipe from her to share with all of you! There is no way, if you like bacon and chicken, that you can look at these pictures and not want it!

Bacon Wrapped Chicken final 2 v2

Ready…Set…Make some delicious Bacon Wrapped Chicken!!

First, let’s gather our ingredients:

  • chili powder
  • garlic powder
  • black pepper
  • lots of brown sugar
  • Hormel black label maple bacon (or your favorite bacon)
  • chicken tenderloinย (enough for all who will be joining you for this great meal!

Bacon Wrapped Chicken ingredients v2

Mix your chili powder, garlic powder, black pepper and brown sugar. Add your ingredients to taste making sure you have enough to coat the chicken.

Bacon Wrapped Chicken step 2 v2

Wrap the chicken tenderloin with a piece of bacon.

Bacon Wrapped Chicken step 1a v2

Once you have them all wrapped, roll them in your delicious dry ingredient mix.

Bacon Wrapped Chicken step 1b v2

Pour any extra over the all of the chicken.

Bake at 350 degrees for 45 minutes.And you will have a tasty chicken dinner!

Bacon Wrapped Chicken final 1 v2

Are you ready for a yummy dinner? ย What will you serve as a side dish?


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