Business & Work

When one door closes…

We’ve all heard the saying over and over again throughout our lives.ย When one door closes…another door opens.ย I’ve heard this quite a bit recently, due to being notified that my position, with my full-time employer, was being eliminated. Monday, January 23, 2017 at 2:30 pm will always be in my memory.

I began working with the company in April 2008 when I still had my salon. Originally I planned to be there for 3 months as a contractor. The goal at the time was to work for a short period of time while regrouping at the salon. God had a different plan, and I closed my salon on April 25, 2008.

I worked a year as a contractor until being offered a full-time position on another team. ย Theย position was short-lived due to some changes at the company. September 2009 I landedย back in the IT department as an Executive Assistant. I lucked out when hired for the Executive Assistant position. A change within the team put me in place toย supportย one of the top 5 bosses I have had since I began working as a teenager.

I hung out in that Executive Assistant position until November 2014. At that time, I was given the opportunity to apply for a position as the Sr IT Communications Specialist. This is the role that led me to where I am today…unemployed. But, it’s not a depressing as it sounds! Here is where the other door opens. In my role I learned a lot of new things – including some HTML. I’m no pro, but I can figure things out that I never even would have tried before.

I also spent the last 2 years managing our IT Awards programs which allowed me to work with our SharePoint team to build a process for automating a process that had been extremely manual and labor intensive. Working closely with one of the team members, we created a workflow process that completely transformed what we had in place.

When one door closes…

And, now, because of all that I’ve accomplished over my {just shy of} 9 years of employment with them – I am ready to fully open the door to the next opportunity! I’m excited to announce that I will beย launching a Virtual / Personal Assistant business that will allow me help other small business owners. I hope to help them grow their businesses by taking on administrative tasks so they can concentrate on the things they do best! In the next few weeks I hope to have fully launched my new website – GeminiRed Virtual Services.

I love my boss

I will continue providing my customers with handmade gifts, accessories and home decor items right here at GeminiRed Creations because I love being creative. I will also continue to manage GeminiRed Supplies – the website that focuses on sewing and embroidery supplies and a few craft supplies. And, lastly, I will still be promoting my book – Just Say No…To Kids! Customers can continue toย expect the same great service you are used to, only now I will be more in control of my schedule!

I hope you all will follow me on this exciting journey. If you know anyone who is in need of a virtual or personal assistant please send them my way. There are many tasks I can handle for you from afar, and if you are local to Atlanta I will be offering some in-person services as well.

This sudden change in employment and income, has led me shareย a series of posts focused on making and saving money. Stay tuned for the posts below, that will be full of great ideas!

Upcoming posts!

  • 10 Easy Ways to Make Money Now
  • How to Pay Off Debt When You Live Paycheck-to-Paycheck
  • How to Teach Kids to Save Money
  • 5 Simple Ways to Save Money
  • How to Stop Spending Money and Start Saving for a House

Do you have any tips for someone in my position?


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