I’ve been thinking about this blog a lot lately. I named it My Craft Corner when I first started it.

Definition of CRAFT from Dictionary.com {noun}

  1. an art, trade, or occupation requiring special skill, especially manual skill: the craft of a mason.
  2. skill; dexterity: The silversmith worked with great craft.
  3. skill or ability used for bad purposes; cunning; deceit; guile.
  4. the members of a trade or profession collectively; a guild.
  5. a ship or other vessel.
  6. a number of ships or other vessels taken as a whole: The craft were warned of possible heavy squalls.
  7. aircraft collectively.
  8. a single aircraft
verb (used with object)
  1. to make or manufacture (an object, objects, product, etc.) with skill and careful attention to detail.
My intention was to write about all the fun and crafty things that I’m up to, but then I realized that I love all my entrepreneur friends and family so much that I needed to also write about all the awesome things they are up to! And so, I’ve been talking about their “crafts” as well – woodworking, graphic design, cake baking and decorating, making beautiful soaps and lotions, sculpting the human body into a lean, mean fighting (healthy) machine and all the other things my amazing friends do with their craft, talent, and mind.
I find that I am drawn to creative people and people who want to venture out on their own in the business world. I enjoy being around people who have lots of new and interesting ideas, people who want to build on what they started, and people who want to help other people build what they’ve created. In a perfect world I’d be surrounded by creative people all the time! I enjoy my full-time job, but I sure would love a job that allows me to work with entrepreneurs all the time!
What’s your craft? I’d love to hear more about it. And, I’d love to bounce ideas around with you.


7 responses to “What is your Craft?”

  1. I love creating new things with what I already have in my craft room. I love making wreaths, Christmas ornaments and scrapbooking. I also love connecting with people and sharing ideas!

    1. You will have to do a guest post sometime and share the fun things you’ve made!

  2. Great post! I love creating new things. I don’t like to do real complicated crafts because i get too frustrated. I love decorating, making wreaths and Christmas ornaments and I love scrapbooking! Really anything that I can make using things I already have in my craft room.

  3. I learned about this fantastic linkup tonight from Tanya of Mom’s Small Victories. I love this post! It’s going to give me some wonderful things to think about as I fall asleep tonight. I’d like to think that my craft is writing. ๐Ÿ™‚ I love music and have recently set the goal of playing the piano three times each week to get back into one of my oldest loves. Thank you so much for sharing!

    1. Thank you for stopping by #throwbackthursdaylinkup Let us know how the piano goes!

  4. This is a great question. My “craft” used to be playing piano and I loved to crochet. My hands have since been damaged by Rheumatoid Arthritis so it makes both of those difficult. Still my current crafts are photography, because my 3 boys are such hams and love to be silly for the camera, and well blogging. I enjoy designing my page and tweaking it (i’ve been through several designs in the last couple years) and cooking. I enjoy cooking and making it look appetizing for my boys (and my blog).

    1. I can’t imagine how my life would be if I had Rheumatoid Arthritis in my hands and could no longer do the crafting and sewing things I so enjoy doing. I’m glad you have photography, your boys and cooking to keep you busy. I always wanted to learn to play piano, but I have short fat fingers that are not conducive to being a pianist. Since you enjoy photography you will have to join in from time to time on the Wordless Wednesday #wordlesswednesday link up! Thanks for partnering up with this #throwbackthursdaylinkup

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