Are you a Tony Robbins fan? {new book}

Are you a Tony Robbins fan like I am?  I’ve had the pleasure of seeing Tony Robbinslive at a huge event filled with many awesome speakers.  He is just one of those people who can captivate an audience and have you intently listening to every word he speaks.  The same is true if you pick up one of his books…you just want to soak it all up.  Here’s my sad truth, though. I stink at remembering what I read and often have to read books over again.  The good thing about that – is there is always something new that I pick up when I read it again.

I have no doubt you’ve read at least one of his books!  There are so many to choose from, but his newest is definitely worth reading.  Through my affiliation with Smiley360 I was able to download the first chapter of his new book – MONEY Master the Game: 7 Simple Steps to Financial Freedom which has just recently made it’s way to the public and is already a #1 best seller.

Not only is Tony an outstanding speaker, author and authority on just about any topic he touches, he is a person with a helper’s heart.  He has donated, in advance, 100% of the profits from his new book (MONEY Master the Game) to Feeding America – the nation’s largest hunger relief organization.  He will not be making any money on this book.

Section 1 of the book is titled “Welcome to the Jungle: The journey begins with the first step” – that probably makes you think of each day that you have to get up, fight traffic, spend countless hours at the office and away from family.  Within the first section you jump right into Chapter 1.1 – “It’s Your Money! It’s Your Life! Take Control.”  Now that I’ve started the book it’s on my must {finish} read list.  Yes, there are many people who have written about money and finances over the years, but if you know anything about Tony Robbins you will want to read this book!  


Reading through the testimonials and the book’s introduction it is clear that people think very highly of Tony Robbins.  Because I work full time in an IT department for my “real” job, I was really pleased with the very candid introduction written by Marc Benioff who was the youngest vice president at Oracle (and eventually the founder of at the time he met Tony.  Both of these companies I am quite aware of from my daily job.  I am often in a position of communicating with sales people from these companies, and often due to the tenacity of sales people forget that there are “real” people behind the name of the company/the phone call.  It was refreshing to read his story that even as a young, rich executive he needed and wanted answers.  He applied lessons learned from Tony and created some very good tools that worked for him.  He was able to take real life and explain why this book, which he was asked to provide the introduction, is great for all of us.  One quote that I think is worthy to note “I soon discovered this book really isn’t about money, it is about creating the life you want…”  Isn’t that what we all ultimately want?  Sure, money is great and can help us do things we want to do, but ultimately I would be fine with less money if everything else was the way I want.  Money “really” isn’t everything, but it sure can be nice.

If you are ready to change your financial future and you are “one in three baby boomers who has less than $1,000 saved” this book is for you.  Heck…buy one for yourself and as gifts for friends!  I will leave you with this quote from Chapter 1 – “People who succeed at the highest level are not lucky; they’re doing something differently than everyone else does.”   Are you ready for a change?  


What is your financial goal for 2015?

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