This time a year ago…

If you have been following me for a while you know that this time every year of the past 4 years my mother and I have gone to CT to visit my grandmother. Although we are not missing the really long road trip, we are saddened by the fact that when my grandmother passed awayย in January this annual tradition ended.

I’m on my way to CT as I type this from my seat on the Delta MD88 from Atlanta to Hartford. It’s “sort of” a more comfortable way to travel. That is, if you ignore the fact that you have to get to the airport extra early to get through security lines, sit in a crowded terminal, be herded like cattle to get on the plane (I’m pretty sure all the passengers were in Zone 2 this morning), and then sit in a very small seat for several hours to your destination. Are we there yet?


Typically we would plan the trip to see my grandmother around the July 4th holiday because my company gives us that day off as well as a half-day on July 3rd. That gave me 1.5 days I didn’t have to use out of my PTO (paid time off) and since we took 2 days to drive up and 2 days to drive back home that helped. Depending on how the holiday fell we would possibly leave on Saturday to arrive in CT on Sunday…enjoy 4-5 days…drive back home. It’s exhausting! Yet, I so miss it. I guess it’s true that you want what you can’t have. Yeah, I know we could still make the road trip, but with my mom being an only child and now both of her parents are in Heaven I’m the only one who still has family there and I can fly.

This is my 4th trip to CT in 2014. The first two where prior to Grammy passing. We made the long drive up and she bounced back, which was amazing to see. The 2nd trip we weren’t so lucky and we hugged and kissed her and told her it was time to go be with Buppy. She finally let go of her life her on earth January 31st. My 3rd trip was for work, but Iย was able to arrive a couple days early and visit with my dad, step-mom and my dad’s parents. My grandmother’s health is not great and my grandfather has Alzheimer’s – it is extremely hard to see. They have done so much for so many over the years, and I find it amazing how few of those people step up when they need something. My grandmother planted 100 bulbs this year…despite her health. So, now here it is my 4th trip and I have little to no time to see anyone. It is a very odd feeling…

Hug your family tight – if they do not live near you, visit as often as you can. Don’t miss out on opportunities to love them! If you have lost touch with family (or friends) there is no time like the presentย to reconnect. You just never know what tomorrow will bring (or if tomorrow will come at all).


One response to “This time a year ago…”

  1. Sound like a “fun” time! I’m not a fan a planes. I prefer trains, you have a bit more freedom to move around.

    I’m sorry to hear about your grandmother’s passing. I know you had a rough time. Just wanted you to know I’m thinking of you!


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