The title is an oxymoron, I know that, but if you say my craft/sewing room you would understand. I posted an Instragram (you can follow me at geminiredcraft) photo the other day of my room with the caption “Thankfully the bombs that go off in my sewing room are not as noisy as they are messy!!”


I had WAY too many projects happening at one time, but I can say I successfully finished and shipped them, oh…and hung one on my mom’s front door. ย And maybe a couple of things were just for stock. ย But what I have received payment for is happily packed up and on the way to their new homes.

A few people commented that it’s not messy since you can still see the floor, but in all fairness there was a large section (near where I was standing to take this photo) where tripping is required! ย I think I will give myself a “pass” on the mess though considering all that I got done. ย Here’s a glimpse into the accomplishments…

FIVE little girl’s rings (okay…10 of them really, but I was humming Fiiivvve Golden Rings…)

FOUR aprons (2 the same of the apron with turquoise with white polka dots and the flower details):

FOUR bottle cap magnets (with my name on them):

Bottle cap magnets

THREE Easter wreaths:


THREE blinged out bracelets:

Blinged Out Bracelets

TWO pairs of earrings:

ONE beautiful glass bead and cross bracelet (to the tune of a Partridge in a Pear Tree):

Rainbow Glass Bead Cross Bracelet

And, while technically I can understand the catastrophe that was my crafting room, boy it’s just too much for me to take in with that mess all over the place. ย I went to bed with it a mess and then added to it in the morning by way of the pile of fabric just purchased, washed and dried…oh my!


But alas, tonight as I go to bed, at least I know it’s a little neater than it was this morning and I have nothing on my “to do” list that must be done by a particular date! ย And by neater, I hope you realize that just means I put away the extra table, stashed away some stuff behind a little curtain, and attempted to fold the newly washed fabric and drape it nicely over the back of my chair – right where it belongs (or at least in the general vicinity)!

Craft Room after 021913

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24 responses to “The Quiet Bomb!”

  1. I used your grass wreath for inspriation and made a couple today. They came out really cute, but what a mess the grass made! LOL.

    1. Oh yes…I find that grass all over the place. That, and glitter! No matter how much I clean up and vacuum it follows me!

  2. I LOVE the aprons! You can craft anything for me…go ahead, feel free!

    1. I’d be happy to!!

  3. Lisa Marie Gibson Avatar
    Lisa Marie Gibson

    I really love the wreath ideas. Now I am thinking of creating some furry/glamour wreathes with my daughters name in the center as a Room Marker. It would look great on the outside of her bedroom door.

    1. That sounds like great idea! I think it would be perfect for the door to any girl’s room. The easiest way is to get a wreath form at the local craft store and the feather boas that you can wrap around the form. Depending on how many boas and how close together you put them you won’t have to pre-wrap the form with ribbon. And then you can decorate with just about anything!

  4. You are too stinkin’ cute. I was totally singing along with you. I love the aprons by the way. Such fun colors!

    1. Thank you so much – I love finding fabrics to match up for cute aprons (and my Christmas stockings too)!

  5. I’m jealous, I wish I had a craft room to mess up. My messes end up on the kitchen table. Love the pink easter wreath.

    1. I really do love having a dedicated space, but it does also house my everyday ironing board and the closet is for my shoes, pants and dresses because my other closet is smaller and is used for shirts and skirts. So there are days that I dream of that bigger closet being filled with fabric and supplies! ๐Ÿ™‚

  6. Congrats on getting your projects completed. The rings are adorable.

    1. This week/weekend has a whole new group of projects to get done. I have some more rings to make too – including some with buttons. I am going to add them to my shop as “party packs” so little girls can share with their friends.

  7. I love the easter egg wreaths, great for familes of young childrem

    sibabe64 at ptd dot net

    1. They are super fun to make and I love that you can really do just about anything with them.

  8. I love the aprons and the wreaths. Just in time for Easter.

    1. Thank you – I love making them!

  9. Jessica Fortner Avatar
    Jessica Fortner

    The little flower rings are so darling!!

    1. Thank you – I will be posting them to my shop soon. I have lots more to make. I think I’m going to sell them as “party packs” so girls can share them with their friends.

  10. I LOVE LOVE LOVE the aprons!!

  11. Your creations are pretty. Glad you were able to tidy up too…that always feels nice.

  12. I would love to buy some of the items you make!! They are all so pretty!!

  13. I think i may try to make one too

  14. Those wreaths are awesome! I think I will have to make one with the kiddos when it gets a little closer to Easter ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. It’s a really fun wreath to make…just be careful with the hot glue gun. I have a few blisters to prove all my hard work! ๐Ÿ™‚

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