Sunny Sunday {03/27/16}

Welcome to Sunny Sunday! I’m so happy to be able to share another edition of Sunny Sunday with all of you. Happy news is the best way to start the week! This week I have double the stories because I got off schedule. I hope you enjoy these Sunny Sunday stories and the next issue will be on April 10th!

Here are some great stories that I hope will inspire you!

Husband And Wife Open Pizzeria So They Can Give Jobs To People With Disabilities March 2, 2016

It is so awesome to see people open a business that is willing to employ people with disabilities. There are so many people out there who are employable if someone would just give them a chance! There is someone out there for any job you have – sometimes you just need to think beyond the norm.

Teen Asks His Cancer-Stricken Little Sister To His First High School Dance February 26, 2016

We see so many horrible and tragic stories on the web and TV these days that I always find myself smiling about the ones with kids doing something special for other kids and this is no exception.

Teen takes sister to dance
Photo courtesy of Sunny Skyz (Credit: KSFY)

โ€œPaparazzi For Goodโ€ Cameras Paid to Catch Average Folks in Acts of Kindness March 8, 2016

This is definitely something I can get behind! I get sick and tired of standing in line at the store and seeing silly stories about celebrities and quite frankly I’m tired of some of these “celebrities” getting paid a large amount of money for acting foolish while so many of us work hard daily to pay the bills. So, get your cameras out and join the “Paparazzi for Good” campaign and submit your photos or random acts of kindness! #ShineOnPics

Rescued Stray Dogs Serve As ‘Ball Dogs’ At The Brazil Open March 2, 2016

I love rescue dog stories! The tug at my heart strings every single time I read one. Imaging a dog having the joy of chasing balls all day! What could be better than that?

College Kids Give Sweet Online Surprise to Snack Stand Worker (LOOK)March 7, 2016

Sometimes, all we need is a kind word and someone to ask us how we are doing.

This Rescue Dog Helped His Human Lose 140 Pounds and Beat Diabetes March 10, 2016

This is a great story! Don’t just read the short story – watch the video. It is worth every minute of your time. #MutualRescue

Dentist Helps Domestic Violence Survivors Smile Again With Free Services March 10, 2016

Imagine being a survivor of domestic violence, but not wanting to smile about it because you don’t have nice teeth! A network of dentists has been formed to help survivors of domestic violence, and it started because of one dentist. Remember – it only takes one person to start a chain reaction of great things!

Young Lawyers Visit Shelters and Use Their Skills to Guide Homeless March 2, 2016

Being homeless has enough of its own challenges, but being young and homeless brings even more challenges. Often times these young homeless individuals do not understand or know the resources available or how to fill out important paperwork. Thankfully a group of young lawyers are lending their expertise to help those in need.

Lyft Ride Service Helps Foster Youth Get to Work On Time March 15, 2016

When companies and non-profits step up to help others the rewards are amazing!

Soup Kitchen Is Set Up Like A Restaurant So Homeless Can Dine With Dignity March 3, 2016

Rather than having homeless people feel less important or less worthy than everyone else – this soup kitchen treats them all well by serving them dinner like anyone else dining out in a restaurant.

Students Design Backpack To Help Kids With Autismย March 22, 2016

This incredible Kickstarter campaign can do a world of good for kids with autism! Consider backing this project!

South Carolina Teachers Starts ‘The Gentleman’s Club’ To Teach Boys With No Fathers Life Lessonsย March 20, 2016

“Look good, feel good, do good.” That’s a great motto for all of us to live by.

Puppy Smiles While Being Rescued From Burning Apartmentย March 16, 2016

Nothing beats a smiling puppy! Look at the grin on this little guy’s face!

After Woman Paid For Manโ€™s Groceries, He Thanked Her With $10,000 Donationย March 17, 2016

You never know who you are interacting with when you do a random act of kindness.

Woman Repays Homeless Man For Kind Act, With Internetโ€™s Helpย March 15, 2016

Random acts of kindness always make me so happy!

Text About Mama Giving Birth Goes To Wrong Number, Man Visits Anywayย March 22, 2016

I have seen this story all over Facebook and the internet and it just brings a smile to my face! I would probably do the same thing and go visit.

Courtesy of the Good News Network

Determined Veterinarians Save Dying Puppy Who Weighed Less Than A Poundย March 15, 2016

You already know I love rescue dogs (and all rescue animals). For my local Atlanta readers – if you want to foster or adopt be sure to check out Bosley’s Place. And, for anyone else who can help financially – Bosley’s Place is a rescue organization that takes in neo-natal puppies who have been abandoned by their mothers or whose mothers have lost their lives tragically.

Purple Heart on sale for $4.99 at Goodwill store reunites with veteran’s familyย March 18, 2016

My grandfather was a POW/MIA in WWII and although he did not earn a Purple Heart I know we would be very thankful for anyone who would go through the trouble of trying to track us down if this was our family!

Firefighter Pays $1,000 Electric Bill For Family To Keep Teen On Ventilatorย March 18, 2016

When they say it takes a village – they really mean it! Fire fighters often don’t make a lot of money and many of them are volunteer fire fighters. He did not have to step in and help, but he did!

MD Cops Bring Home Elderly Woman, Call for Respect of Dementiaย March 21, 2016

I remember being really upset years ago when I locked my keys in my car while at aย shopping, and there was a police car right next to me and I asked him for help and he said he couldn’t help. While I was irritated at the time, the truth is I was fully capable of getting help from just about anywhere as well as walking to a friend or family member’s house if needed. I would much rather they use their time for a situation like this versus helping someone who was young and capable like I was at the time!

Let me know what you think of these happy stories, and feel free to share a link to some you’ve found inspiring!


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