Giving Back

Sometimes People Just Need a Little Help

You know, in life we all work so hard to be successful and meet goals we set along the way. ย But, sometimes, despite all that we do to get ahead – people just need a little help. ย I am a firm believer in helping people {and animals}. ย I’ve been known to give money to someone on the street or go pick up lunch for someone who looks down and out. ย And while those may seem like honorable things to do – there are some people who need a little more help than that.

I’d like to share with you some people who need some help. ย While each story is different, each one is just as important as the other.

Paul Decostaย 

Paul and I graduated from Fitch Senior High together way back in 1988. Despite losing touch with so many people because of moving away – the magic of Facebook has brought many of us back together. ย Recently I learned of Paul’s plight and need to raise money for medical expenses due to having a tumor removed from his face. ย His loving girlfriend, Alexandra has created a GoFundMe account to help raise the important funds needed to help Paul continue to receive medical treatment. ย If you have any extra funds available, please consider helping Paul.

I have other friends who need prayers, happy thoughts and love sent their way – in whatever form you believe in.

  • A friend who is pregnant and told she needs to see the high risk doctor because of her glucose levels and the ultrasound showed the baby’s kidney is dilated/enlarged
  • A friend whose new baby seems to have a fissure which is causing problems
  • Another friend going through troubles with an adoption
  • Friends who have recently lost loved ones or have loved ones who are suffering.
  • And some friends who just have daily struggles

Theresa Ulrich

I don’t actually “know” Theresa. ย I used to work with her mom, Wendy, who I really miss working with us. ย I saw a post on Wendy’s page that I commented on and now I am doing all I can to support Theresa in her campaign for raising money toward Girls on the Run! ย Below is a blurb from Theresa’s fundraising page. ย The great thing about GOTR is their work with young girls to provide them the tools they need to be confident in a world that seems pre-occupied with perfect bodies and faces instead of focusing on what is truly important – inner beauty and a love of one self. ย I have committed to helping Theresa’s fundraising by offering to donate 15% of any sales made on my website (just click on the Shop button under my header over on the left) if you use the code GOTR at checkout. ย (Put the code where you would put a coupon code and instead of saving 15% on your purchase you are agreeing to donate that to GOTR). ย Theresa’s project means a lot to me because in the past I’ve done 2 half marathons and 1 full marathon to raise money for important causes.

I have been a Girls On The Run Coach and have seen what a difference this program makes to young girls. As a member of Team Sole Mates, I have to raise $500, but I have set my goal at $700 because I believe all schools should have this program. Currently, more than 50% of the girls in the program come from low-income communities. Funds raised will allow these girls to participate in this life-changing program, empowering them to be confident, healthy and joyful. Your support will help Girls on the Run of the Rockies maintain the commitment to serve all girls, regardless of financial need.

Girls on the Run Headerย ย 

The 20 Project

This is a little bit of a shameless plug. ย I am part of a group of people who are collaborating together to write a book called The 20 Project. ย We are currently trying to raise money to continue work on the editing, creating a book cover, and everything else that goes into getting a book to press. ย If you could have used a helpful book of advice when you were in your 20s – donate to this project so that 20 somethings can learn from our experiences (the good, the bad, the ugly). ย Besides offering advice to 20 somethings – we plan to donate a portion of our proceeds to help those in need. ย Be sure to check out the website, learn more about our project, and donate to help us succeed!

I know it’s not always possible to help everyone who needs it – so if you can’t at least say a quiet prayer for those that need it. ย Sometimes that means more than you will ever know.

Are there any causes near and dear to your heart? ย Be sure to share them here – you never know who might stop by and read the comments and be able to help you! ย By-the-way – if you didn’t know – I always donate a portion of my sales throughout the year toward different fundraising events.


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