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A Season of Giving

As the leaves fall in many areas of the country thus begins A Season of Giving. For some this may be a time of family gatherings, lots of food, and even presents shared amongst friends and family. But, for many it might just be a time of sorrow as they remember loved ones who have passed recently or in years gone by, or a time of coldness and sadness for those that are living in homeless shelters or on the street. While you prepare your big feasts and get ready to trample others in a fight for who gets the last of this year’s “it” toy – please take a moment to think of others and what you can do for THEM this year.

There is one young boy who is the son of a friend of mine who does this every single year. Kaden started a winter coat drive in his home town in New Mexico a few years ago. With the help of his parents he has been collecting and sorting and passing out coats all around Albuquerque!

Kadens Coat Drive (1)


Do you ever watch the news and wonder why you see so many children doing great things? I mean, once you bypass all the bad news in the world…there are more and more stories of children doing great things. I firmly believe a lot of that has to do with being of an age where you don’t realize things are impossible. Do you remember ice skating, roller skating, jumping over obstacles with your bicycle, trying new things as a kid? Me too! The difference between now and then – I didn’t believe I “couldn’t” do it. As we get older and more cynical we are more weary of trying new things. So, when I read about kids like Kaden I am happy he is still in a stage of believing everything is possible AND that he has parents who aren’t making him feel like that isn’t true.

This year Kaden has been featured in his local newspaper and just today met with the mayor of his town! Kaden had some friends join him for collecting coats this year, and they are really doing great things this year! They have even received donations of scarves and hats from around the country!

Kaden Coat Drive (3)

In this Season of Giving…consider being a bit more like Kaden this year. Find someone who needs some help and do a little something for them. Trust me – it doesn’t have to be huge or something over the top – it just needs to be from the heart. If you want to help Kaden in his venture of collecting coats, scarves and hats – head over to Kaden’s Winter Warmth on Facebook for more information!

Kadens Coat Drive (2)
Kaden’s Winter Warmth Coat Drive – collection pile


What are you doing this year to help others? ย What are you doing during this Season of Giving?


One response to “A Season of Giving”

  1. […] but he also plays basketball. BTW…you might remember I posted about Deanne’s son Kaden when he was doing his last annual coat […]

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