Baking Recipes

Monkey Bread Muffins {recipe}

If you want amazing photos of a step-by-step recipe, you have one of your friends who is a photographer walk through the recipe and take amazing photos! Thank you Kim from Steel &ย Sugar Photography for a great post – and it sounds so yummy! I’m thrilled that she is willing to this recipe for Monkey Bread Muffins with all of us today. ย This seems like the perfect recipe for a chilly winter morning. Cuddle up in your PJs, grab a book, curl up on the couch, and enjoy some yummy Monkey Bread Muffins.


Hi y’all! ย I’m sharing a delicious recipe for Monkey Bread Muffins today. It all started out as my Big Girl wanting to make Daddy Monkey Bread for breakfast when he got home. Well, he didn’t seem too thrilled with the idea and my girl was a little sad. ย So here enters Momma to the rescue! ย Muffins! They don’t take near as long to bake and while they are baking, I can make Daddy a different breakfast. Everyone wins! I found a recipe online and tweaked it. ย A lot. ย And that’s what I’m sharing with y’all today. Monkey Bread Muffins PDF Recipe

ย Monkey Bread Muffins (16) v2

Monkey Bread Muffins

yield: 1 dozen

  • 2 regular size cans of biscuits
  • 1ย ยฝ cups of sugar
  • 1ย ยฝ teaspoons of cinnamon
  • 1 stick of butter
  • ยผ cup of brown sugar

Icing ingredients:

  • 1ยฝ cups of powdered sugar
  • 5-6 teaspoons of water {milk will work too}
  • 1 teaspoon of vanilla

ย Monkey Bread Muffins (1)

Preheat your oven to 350ยฐ. Line a 12-cup muffin pan with foil liners.

Monkey Bread Muffins (2)

Carefully quarter the biscuits.

Monkey Bread Muffins (6)

Now mix the sugar and cinnamon together in a bowl. Place the biscuit pieces into the cinnamon-sugar and mix them around gently until they are covered in yumminess.

Monkey Bread Muffins step 1

Place the pieces evenly into the muffin cups.

Monkey Bread Muffins step 2

Next we need to make the “gooey” part that makes monkey bread so much better than just cinnamon and sugar on biscuit pieces. Add the butter and brown sugar to a small saucepan. ย Bring to a boil and boil for one minute. ย Make sure to stir it and don’t let it burn.

{I know, there are 2 sticks of butter in this pan. I was following a different recipe and came out with almost double what I needed, so the recipe I’m giving you takes less butter.}

Monkey Bread Muffins step 3

Carefully spoon about a teaspoon of the butter/brown sugar syrup over each muffin. If you have any left after that, it won’t hurt to add a little more to each muffin.

Bake for 17-22 minutes.

Monkey Bread Muffins (13)

Now for the kicker – ICING!

It’s really an “eyeball it” kind of recipe. Take the powdered sugar and add the vanilla. Now take a teaspoonful of the water {or milk} and whisk each teaspoonful into the powdered sugar completely before adding another spoonful. Add the liquid until it is a drizzle consistency. If you get it too thin you can always add more powdered sugar.

Monkey Bread Muffins (12)

{I’m sorry I don’t have a picture of the actual icing. I’ll do better next time.}

Now drizzle those muffins like mad! The icing will slowly sink down in the spaces between the biscuit pieces and OH. My. Word. YUM!


They were a hit. My husband decided to have Monkey Bread Muffins after all. 5 of them.

Monkey Bread Muffins (15) v2


So…are you ready to make some Monkey Bread Muffins for breakfast?ย 


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