Business & Work

Let the updates begin!

Starting this week my friend Kristen from K.Leigh Creative will be working on updating my website – GeminiRed Creations. I can’t wait to see how beautiful it is when it’s done. This is a glimpse of the first mock-up she did for my salon years ago (the colors have faded now, but overall the look is lovely).

I can’t seem to find an electronic copy of it anywhere although I’m sure I had one (or many) at one point.

This is what my site looks like today…

The theme I currently have is simply something I chose from a long list of free WordPress themes. I chose something that had red in it, for obvious reasons, but I haven’t been able to manipulate it and make it my own. Kristen and I got together to talk about what I am looking for and some ideas and now we will be on our way to beautifying my site.

The main thing will be coming up a pretty look and theme, allowing my listings to look uncluttered, and showcasing my affiliate relationships (with the companies I frequently do business with in order to make my small business a success).

Be sure to be on the lookout for the newly launched site in the near future.

That being said…I will be moving this WordPress hosted blog to my own site. And, because I’m using this blog to promote my own craft as well as the craft/expertise of others I’m looking for a new heading for it. My Craft Corner is too artsy-crafty if I also want to discuss my friends and family who carve wood, bake cakes, make soap, build websites, etc. If you have any ideas I’d love to hear them!


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