Crossroads Media Hub {June writing prompts}
Well, I fell off the bandwagon - HARD! I was doing so good participating in the 30 days of writing prompts for June 2014 and then I have no idea what happened. Actually - I do know what happened. I traveled to CT for work, I facilitated a group buy-in for some...
Throwback Thursday {weekly link-up} 6/19/14
Welcome to our Throwback Thursday Weekly Link-up. Do you have a blog post that you love from the past that needs some fresh attention and to be given a little love? Well…link it up below and we will share the love! Hosted by: ...
Happy Father’s Day!
I've been very blessed in my life to have 2 great dads. My birth father, Calvin, spent many {many} years in the Navy and my step-father, Dan, also spent years in the Navy. Both of them instilled in me a strong work ethic and the understanding that nothing in life is...
Movies anyone?
More often than not commercials come out for new movies and I get excited and mentally plan to go see at least one or two of them. It rarely ever happens. Rarely. Ever. I have a friend who seems to have movie quotes always at the ready, and when he references one...
Throwback Thursday {weekly link-up} 6/12/14
Welcome to our Throwback Thursday Weekly Link-up. Do you have a blog post that you love from the past that needs some fresh attention and to be given a little love? Well…link it up below and we will share the love! Hosted by: Just a few rules: Please follow the...
Never {ever} again!
Today's writing prompt is "List 5 things you will never do again. I've been reading this list of prompts since the end of May and this one kind of has me stuck. The truth is - I feel like once you say you will never do something again you either really never can do it...
The never ending bucket list…
It seems that my bucket list is never getting just keeps growing! Every time I see something new and remotely exciting - add it to the bucket list! Let's face it though, my idea of remotely exciting is probably completely different than yours. Chances...
Will that be Dine-in or Carry-out?
I don't consider myself a foodie. Yes, I eat food (and too much of what I shouldn't) and some of it is yummy - some is not. There are 2 restaurants in/around Atlanta that I really enjoy. These places are so different from each other, but both delicious in their own...
A Blast from the Past
I've been very blessed throughout my life and there are so many great times I've had in my life. So it's hard to think of just one time in the past that I would visit (or revisit as it may be). I have awesome parents who sent me to Paris as my high school graduation...